6: Real Irony

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     Sierra's P.O.V

I wake up in a small crowded room, laying on an uncomfortable hospital bed. Mom sits at my bedside, Jude paces in the corner. Jade, Jarrod, Hope, Heaven, Bethany, Krissy, Kelsey, and my older brother Michel are all in the room, but no Jake.

     "I'm going to kill them." Growls Jude from the corner. My throat is dry. Really dry. I shake my head, grabbing everyone's attention. Mama aids my throat will a small plastic cup of water. I drink it and cough ruggedly before whispering "Stop. It's not worth it." I look over at my mom, squeezing her hand. "Where is he?" I ask with a scratch in my words. She offers me a sad smile, kissing my hand.

     "Baby, he left. He told me to tell you he loves you, he's sorry. And good-bye."  I stare at my mom for a moment, praying to god it's a sick joke. But no, she just pets my hair with a sad look in her eyes. I nod and shrug, pretending it doesn't bother me while inside I'm screaming.

     "Jude, I'm gonna help you with the killing." Says Michel. I roll my eyes and try to sit up, only to have a wave of dizziness consume me, and I fall backward. My brother leaps to catch me as I lose my place on the bed and tumble down. I brace myself, but I fall in the safe arms of my big brother. I hug him, and he holds me close. Even after all those years of torment, we still love each other. I couldn't ask for a better big brother.

     "You're still weak Sia,"Say Michel, using his nickname for me as he places me back in the bed. "But you're  going to be okay. I know you will be. I don't care if I have to go on a murder spree with Jude." I laugh and grimace as the laughter sends a sharp pain up my stomach.

     "You hate Jude." I state. Which he does. He always has for multiple reasons, but deep down I think they sort of like each other.

     "Perhaps, but we have something in common, so now we can work together to protect you." Says Michel, looking over at Jude with raised brows. Jude just scoffs and shrugs, then continues to pace. I shake my head and lay back into my bed.

My head swims with painful thoughts. I think I'm going to be sick. I sit up and grab the trash can at my bedside. I puke my guts up. I groan as I hold my stomach. The nurse comes in soon after, asking for everyone to leave so I can rest. I don't want them to go. I don't want to be alone, but after hugging all of them-not without a deep pain in my stomach- the nurse puts something in my IV that numbs every muscle in my body, and within seconds I'm sleeping. No dreaming. No pain. Just a temporary bliss that I've longed for for a while.

Jake's P.O.V

     My phone buzzes and buzzes in my pocket, but I ignore every call. Some from Jude, whom I know wants to beat the shit out of me. Some from Amy and the twins. I even get one from Michel, who leaves the most deadly voicemail in a sentence.

     "She deserved so much better." Is all he said. But his voice was full of hatred and anger. That one sentence was like a spit in the face. The worst part is: it's true. I've always known it to be true. She never believed it, she always looked at me like the sun set and rose on my shoulders. I never understood it. I never understood her. But for so long I loved her. Then I let her go, and now she is laying in a hospital bed and I'm not allowed to see her. It's so ironic the way life works sometimes. It's even more ironic how you can love someone with all your being, but the second you realize they are gone; you miss them a thousand times more than you ever could have loved them. But I did love her. I remember the first day I realized it.

     It was summer, one of the hottest summers this small town had ever seen. We were about to be ninth graders who had been friends for almost two years at the time. Back then, two years felt like forever.

      I was with my cousin Kayden at the river. I'd invited a bunch of my friends to come. Some I'd known since kindergarten, others I'd just met.

    She was late. Show showed up after the fire had started and the sun was setting, but she looked so much different then that I'm used to. Her hair was a light brown mess of curls at the time- she didn't dye or straighten back then- but her long strands were pulled back and I could actually really see her face. For the first time, I noticed the curves of her jawline, and the quirk of her full lips. Even the shine in her deep grey-green eyes were all but familiar to me.

     I remember when those eyes landed on me that night. I can still see the moon reflecting in those enchanting orbs of hers. I remember how her smile seemed to be brighter than the fire. I also remember how I barely said a word to her the whole night.

     Kayden sat with her instead, and they laughed and flirted. They ended up dating for three months before she ended it, but that night. The night before she dated my cousin, before she planned for Boston, before I met Amy, and before everything fucked up. That night I swore one day I'd call her mine, and I would never, not ever, let her slip away.  Now that, my dearest friends, is real irony.

He does one thing but says and feels another. Guys are so complicated sometimes, no offense. Girls are too. But I just don't get it. Yet I'm writing it, so I must. This is the last chapter I have written right now, but I'm trying to focus opposed to the bullshit life I'm having as of now. Vote. Tell me what you think. LOVE YOU MY DARKLINGS!

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