28: Don't Forget About Me

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   Jake's P.O.V.

     The sun rays beam from beneath the barn doors, and I hear no rain. I get up, dust the hay from my back, and go outside with my paints.

     It's mid-day, and though the ground is still damp, the barn wall to the left is dry. I go get the ladder that lies in the backseat of my car, set it up, and begin my mural. I start with a bright yellow, applying thick strokes to the rotten red wood to form a ginormous half-circle. From there I apply rays of orange, pink, and a fresh red, and blue and purple along the edges. I paint for almost six hours before it's done, or at least my part is done. There is of course another person's work I want bestowed on this mural. Actually, there is a lot more needed here, and I need a group of people to finish my vision.

     That's when I realize what tonight is. "Shit! Prom." I move my paints into the barn along with my ladder before I drive home all the while calling Heaven.

     "Where have you been?" She says the moment she answer, I shake my head as I turn down the road to her house.

     "Don't worry about that. I forgot about prom and I don't have good clothes or a hair appointment or any of that shit so I need you to help me out, okay?"

     "How do you forget about prom?"

     "Stop asking pointless questions. Will you help me or not?"

     "What do you need me to do?"

     "Well first, I need proper attire and someone to do my hair."

     "You can borrow one of my Dad's suits and I'll do your hair. But you need to come over here because me and Hope are almost done getting ready."

     "Yeah, yeah. I'm almost there. Another thing, I need a date."

     "Sorry, I'm going with Charlie, and Hope is going with Phil."

     "No, actually I wanted to know if you could talk Sia into going with me, or is she going with that Precious girl?"

     "She isn't going at all. She got suspended until graduation."

     "What the fuck did she do?"

     "She beat the slime out of Amy for calling you a toy, plus she punch Coach Lincoln."

     "Sia, my Sia? She fought Amy? For me?"

     "Yeah, it was pretty intense, but she is staying home. She said she didn't want to go anyway. I don't know. Hey, how far are you?" That's when I turn around and drive to her.

     "I changed my mind. I went to prom last year, it was boring. I have more important things to do."

     "Jake..." I cut her off when I hang up.

     I don't know if I'm doing this because I miss her, or if I've overly curious about what happened with her and Amy but I speed down the streets much faster than needed. Once I arrive, I walk up to the porch and knock on the door, only to have a blue eyes Precious stare at me in the doorway.

     "Is Sierra here?" I asks coolly. She lifts her chin and looks me square in the eyes, unmoving.

     "Yes, she's here. What do you want?" I keep my annoyed comments to myself. Who does she think she is? She just showed up; she has no right to approach me with attitude.

     "I would like to talk to her." I say, narrowing my eyes at her. She arches her brows and still doesn't budge. I'm about to voice my annoyance when Sia's voice echoes from behind Precious.

     "Let him in. It's fine." Precious obliges, but not before shooting me a warning glare. Again I think, who the fuck does she think she is?

    I push past Precious and am greeted by a small smile from Sierra who is laying in the couch with her red curls pulled back and her glasses rimming her eyes. She is so beautiful. Why did I let her slip away?

     She sits up and pats down next to her. I sit and trail my gaze to flaming annoyance that rests in Precious's blue orbs. I could call her pretty too, but she's kind of a bitch, so sorry love.

     "Precious, it's okay. Plus you're going to be late for your shift, you might want to get going." Sia offers her a kind smile, and she sighs in defeat.

     "Fine." She walks over and leans down to press her lips against Sierra's. I grow a bit frigid and look down at my hands until she walks out.

     "Sorry about that." Sia sighs, leaning into the couch. "So what's up?"

     "Well I was going to ask you to prom, but Heaven pointed out you were suspended." I smirk over at her, and she blushes. She's so adorable. "So I figured I'd come over an we could do something." She shrugs at the suggestion, and awaits the question she knows I'm going to ask. "What happened?"

     "She was smacking on Ryan House's face. Then she had the nerve to say that I could have you back. She was done playing with my 'toy'. Then I made that pretty little face of hers a little less pretty and bam! I'm suspended. But it was worth it. I've been waiting for that for years." I chuckle and scratch the back of my neck.

     "Are they still letting you do the valedictorian speech?" I ask curiously. She nods and smiles.

     "Bruh, yes! I'm so excited!" I can't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

     "Do you have your speech written?" I ask as I look her over. Heat rushes to her cheeks and she bites her lip.

     "Actually I was planning on winging it." She whispers. I honestly expected nothing less of her. She's always enjoyed speaking in the moment.

     "You'll do fantastic." I encourage. She grin cheekily before looking over at me.

      "What do you plan for us to do?" She asks. I smile now as I take out my phone and click on the playlist we made together a while back. She smiles at me as the theme song to The Breakfast Club starts to play. I grab her hand and pull her to the middle of the living room where her arms go around my neck and mine go around her waist. We dance. Everything else, all of or problems and argument an pain, drifts off into the music, and for the first time in forever it's just us. The real us. Staring back at each other as time and music fades into the back ground.

     "Don't you forget about me." I tell her. She lays her head on my shoulder and takes a slow breath against the crook of my neck, sending shivers up my spine.

     "I could never. Not even if I wanted to."

     And neither could I...

That moment. That is a memory all on my own. It wasn't with that character or in the living room, but the feeling is real. I hope you guys enjoyed it. vote. Comment. Tell me what you think. Love you my DARKLINGS.

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