31: We Are Graduating.

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Sierra's P.O.V.

     "Shit. Shit shit shit!" We all just stared at Hope, who very, very, rarely cursed. In literally twenty minutes we would all walk to get a piece of paper that was pretty much the ticket to the next chapter in our lives. Hope, being the perfectionist she is, is freaking the fuck out. "Jude is high, Heaven's gown keeps falling off, Siana is crying in the bathroom, Bethany is being way to calm about maybe being pregnant, and where the fuck is that dip shit Jake?"

     I was trying not to think about Jake, but he has been brought up a zillion times in the last ten minutes. Teachers asking if I've seen him, students and track jocks accusing me of killing him. I don't know shit. I haven't merely texted him since he drove away from my house. As for Bethany, the reason she is so calm is because she's always wanted a baby and she wasn't planning on going to college, so she believes she is ready. I have no room to judge, I couple months ago I was pregnant myself. And then comes Jude, he is stumbling around and giggling like crazy, leaning all over Traya like his life depended on it. I have a feeling it's because this accomplishment is a bit to much for him. He didn't think he'd make it, and proving himself wrong, while should be something he's happy about, is freaking him out. My friends are so complicated.

     "Shit, okay Heaven, go to Sia. Sia, fix the fucking gown! Your the only one here who is good with their fingers." Heaven walks over to me and I groan, pulling out my emergency sewing kit.

     "You know, being stressed out is no excuse for calling me a whore." I laugh as I pull the thread through one of the shoulders so it's tighter.

     "I'm not calling you a whore. I'm saying your good with your fingers." Everyone busts out laughing, Jade pokes her side affectionately.

     "Yeah, because you would know. I always figured you were another one of her side chicks."  Jade teases, I shake my head with a light chuckle as I finish my handy-work.

     "Okay first of all, Jade, you were more of one of her side-chicks then any of us. Second of all, I am, in fact, still currently a virgin. Third, and finally, I am straighter than a two-by-four." We all chuckle.

     "I could change that if you let me." I wiggle my eyebrows and she blushes crimson. "Anyway. The gown is dealt with. So one hissy fit down. Now, you need to except that Bethany is more than most probably pregnant and she is going to name the baby after her dear sweet Aunt Sierra." Bethany scoffs and rolls her eyes.

     "Two problems with that. Naming it after you would probably jinx the child into to being damn right insane. Plus, I think it's a boy."

     "Not with Johnny's dick. It can't produce enough seaman to produce a male gender."

     "WHERE THE FUCK IS JAKE!!" Hope suddenly yells, making us all jump back in our seats.

     "Chill Chica, he still has ten minutes. He'll make it." I say soothingly, rubbing the small of her back. God, I hope he makes it.

     "What about you speech?" She asks. I go rigid.

     "I got it under control." I offer her a reassuring smile, but she holds her hand out.

     "Let me read it then."

     "Hell no, it'll ruin it."

     "Uh-huh. Yeah, no. I call bullshit. Shit! So Jude is still high, Siana is still crying in the bathroom over Carter. Jake still isn't here. AND YOU DON'T HAVE A SPEECH! I swear it's like you guys are trying to ruin the biggest day of my fucking life."

     "You being over dramatic." Krissy points out, sitting in the lap of Walter. "Siana cries over that boy every other week. Jude is high seventy-nine percent of the time, Jake will make it, and Sia does better under pressure and talking off the top of her head. It's makes the emotion rawer."

     "I agree." We all jump when we hear Jake from the side of us, already in his cap and gown. His brown locks curl slightly beneath the white hat and he's wearing this exciting smile. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until he spoke to me. "Is Precious going to be here?" He asks calmly. I shake my head and offer everyone a reassuring smile.

     "I broke up with her a couple days ago." I hear everyone gasp, but my eyes stay on Jake. I see a light flash in his eyes. I can't tell what it is, and I choose to ignore it.

     Yes, she and I decided it was best to end things where they were. I was leaving and I had to leave everything behind, just as I told Jake the night before I ended it. It was a calm break up. It was honestly just a sexual, numbing, support kind of relationship that wasn't really healthy for either of us. Oddly enough, everyone seemed relieved. Haha, I could end that quickly.

     "I invited Hayden." Everyone literally froze as I took a swallow of Mountain Dew. They just stared at me in shock. I just shrugged. "Look, this is a big day, and no matter what she and I have been through, I still love her and I probably always will." Siana finally joins us, along with Jude and Traya. Jude shoots Jake a hateful look, but I keep talking. "All of us have been through hell and back together. We've hurt each other and consoled each other. After today, all that might end. I want everyone here. Everyone who is important to me. I have my friends here. I have my first love waiting in the bleachers. I have the dip shit I currently love standing right beside me. I have my cousins and my siblings, and hell, I think my dad might be out there too, but that's okay. We all are about to walk out of here and prepare ourselves to let go of all this high school drama. I just want to say that It was a pleasure to care about you all. And even if we all disappear into our new lives and never see each other again," I look over at Jake, his eyes filmed over by nostalgia. "I will never forget these beautiful, crazy, fucked-up six years I've spent with you."

     Everyone smiles and hugs each other and after we finally get out of our feels, the music starts playing and the teachers line us all up, me in front because I have to be in the center of the front row. I take a deep breath and look at all my friends. This is it. We are graduating.


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