23: Bloody Agressive Guilt

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I sit at breakfast with Siana, Traya, and the twins as we gawk unashamedly at the intense PDA bestowed before us. Amy is sucking face with Ryan House: school cowboy. They sit a couple tables away from us, pressed against each other and lost in an disgustingly intimate make-out session. There are bystanders recording the whole thing and watching it take place with amused and disgusted faces. I chuckle to myself before taking a bite of stale cafeteria french toast. It's repulsive, much like the scene in front of us, but I think I find more joy in satisfying my passionate hunger than watching the two horny teenagers play tonsil hockey.

"They haven't came up from air for like ten minutes." Says Traya analyzingly. I shake my head and smirk at her.

"The girl has had enough practice." I scoff. I hear one of the twins almost choke on their toast laughing. "I wonder what happened with her and Jake."

"My sister said that Amy went to talk to him and he detested her. Said something about never loving her and calling her a bitch. She deserved it, but it apparently didn't phase her much." Says Seana, looking at the couple with such a judgmental face I almost laugh.

"Do you think y'all might get back together now that he has left that piece of trash?" Chimes Heaven hopefully. The twins have always shipped Jierra. (I don't understand what the point in ship names is but whatever) I just shake my head and look down at my food before pushing it away. My appetite disappears.

"No. Sweetheart, like I've told you over and over, I'm done with that. I'm happy without him, plus I'm seeing Precious now."

"Are you seriously taking her serious?" Groans Hope. I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"Just drop it please." I plead. I don't expect it to work, but I give it a shot. I fail, obviously.

"He obviously still cares about you. I mean, he almost murdered your dad. He broke shit off with Amy. You said he was calling you a lot, plus he ran like a million miles just to see if you were okay." Points out Hope. I groan, and run my fingers roughly through my hair.

"Your hyperbole is dully noted, but again I say: it is over. There was to much pain involved then what it was worth. "

"I just don't get how after everything you two have been through, you can just deny any chances of reignited that fire." Hope continues.

"Because after everything he and I have been through, he still did what he did. It's over. I have bigger things to focus on." I look at the couple again. Yep, still swallowing each other effortlessly. It's it just so damned romantic?

"But he's sorry. What ever happened to the girl who believed in second chances?"

I'm just about to start getting irritated with Hope when Amy walks up to our table. "Hey ladies, I just wanted to let Sia know that she can have her toy back. I'm so grateful that you let me borrow it, but I never really liked your pathetic objects in which you amuse yourself with." No the fuck she just didn't.

"I'm sorry, slut, I mean Amy, but did you just refer to Jake as a toy?" I say as I slowly rise from my seat. The girls look down to insure they remain uninvolved, which I'm completely fine with. I'm about to cast away my involvement with this bitch as well.

"Well he was hardly a toy. Toys are meant to be fun, and he was all but. I'm just letting you know I'm done with him now. The sex was amazing though. He loved it when I pulled his hair." And that was all it took for my fuse to be lit. I reach over and grab her hair, slinging her head down into the table. I hear a satisfying crunch before the student body starts chanting "fight! Fight! Fight!" I lift her head up and crawl over the table as she cradles her bloody nose in her hand and attempts to back away. I leap at her, and bring us both to the floor where I straddle her and begin slamming my fists repeatedly into her pretty little face.

She gets a limited amount of blows in my abdomen before the teachers surround us and pry me from her. She sits up and wipes blood her nose and mouth before spitting out a tooth. I can't help it, I bust into hysterics. "Let's see who wants to slobber all over that fucking face now!" I yell as one of the coaches pull me out of the cafeteria. Come on, there is like one week left of school. I don't give two fucks if I get suspended. Hell, let me get expelled! I'm fucking graduating! I punch Coach Lincoln in the face and dart back into the cafeteria, where I tackle Amy again and continue to whale on her. The entire student body cheers me on, but I'm not particularly focused on that. The adrenaline is pumping through my veins like a fucking machine gun. Fuck the consequences, I've been wanting to beat the shit out of this chick for seven years now.

It takes three coaches and the principal to get me off of her, and when they finally do I'm rendered satisfied at the malicious damage I have done. I almost feel bad for taking all my anger out her. Almost. The bruises that were already on my sides throb, but I find an odd sense of relief to it. The pain brings me back to Earth. I am not a malicious person. I've always considered myself a passive-fist, but right now, it feels pretty damned good to break something, even if it's just the nose of the girl who almost ruined my life. Do I feel guilty about hurting her? No. But I do feel guilty about the reason I did it. To stand up for Jake Leonardo. The boy I still fucking love.

Okay, admit it. That was flipping awesome. I really just had to make them two duke it out. I couldn't help myself. Anywho! VOTE AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!! LOVE YOU MY DARKLINGS!!!

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