About books and reading

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"It was the books
that made me feel
that perhaps I wasn't
completely alone..."

-William Herondak


gives us someplace to go
when we have to stay
where we are."

- Mason Cooley


"If you don't see
the book you want
on the shelf,
write it!"

- Beverly Cleary


"You know
you've read
a good book
when you turn the last page
and feel a little
as if you have lost
a friend."

- Paul Sweeney


"A room without books
is like a body without a soul."

- Cicero


"Reading forces you
to be quiet
in a world that
no longer
makes place for that."

- John Green


"A 'digital book'
can't be infused
with smells,
can't press flowers in -
between its pages.
It can't contain
split tears or coffee stains.
No, only a real book
can do those things."

- J. G.

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