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"Even when I realized I could not trust you,I still could not stop myself from loving you.
Even when I realized you didn't deserve me, I still felt like I deserved you.
Because I had already given so much of me, and invested so much time and energy, that it just didn't seem fair to have to walk away with nothing."


"It's never easy for a good woman to walk away; especially after she's invested so much of herself into making it work.
Just know that, by the time she finally decides to leave, she's given you countless chances and debated the idea, over and over in her head, at least 1000 times.
She's exhausted; she's frustrated and totally heartbroken to have to walk away from a men who, deep down inside, she still loves and is still willing to fight for."


"A good woman's love is so powerful!
Some of you have a good woman and will never experience the true power of her love because your inconsistences prevent her from being able to fully love you the way she wants to."


"A good woman is not asking for perfection from her man. She's asking for consistency – with his love, loyalty and attention to her."


"Once she's attached, she's loyal, she's committed, she's honest, she's faithful, she's dependable and she's caring.
But you wanna know what comes that?
She's jealous, she's clingy, she's annoying, she's over protective, she's emotional and she's crazy.
You could push her away and she'll come right back. You could piss her off, but she'll never stay mad at you. You could lie to her and she'll still trust you. You could keep making mistakes and she'll forgive you over and over. You could make her hate you, but she'll start loving you all over again.
But don't take that for granted, cause when she's done, she's done."


"One of the biggest mistakes a man can make is to cause the woman he loves feel like she can't talk to him."


"If I ever decide to give up on you, understand how much that took out of me.
I'm the type to give endless chances, always have your back, even when you're wrong, and truly accept you for who you are. When the rest of the world doesn't want you, I will.
So if I decide to give up on you, understand it took everything I had left inside of me to leave you alone.
Because if I love you and care for you, there isn't anything on the planet I won't do for you."

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