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"Courage isn't
having strength to go on -
it is going on
when you don't have strength."

- Napoleon Bonaparte


"If you want something
you never had,
You have to do something
you've never done."


"It's better to cross the line
and suffer the consequences,
than to just stare at the line
for the rest of your life."


"Go as long as you can,
then take another step."


"Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid;
It means you don't let fear stop you."


"Courage does not always roar.
courage is the quiet voice
ar the end of the day saying
~I'll try again tomorrow!~"


"The greatest act of courage is
to be & own all that you are.
Without apology.
Without excuses &
Without any masks to cover the truth
of who you truly are."

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