Marry Christmas!

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"On Christmas morning, as you gather 'roud the tree,
don't forget to be thankful for all you see.
For children grow up and loved ones pass away,
so cherish these moments – you'll miss tham someday."


"The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents,
but in His presence."


"In these precious moments,
we realise what we feel and know in our heart –
that Christmas is really about Christ."

- Thomas S. Monson


"Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store.
Maybe Christmas means a little more!"


"If you don't have Christmas in your heart,
you will never find it under a tree."


"Are you part of the inn crowd,
or are you one of the stable few?"


"Whether it be in your world today,
or a crowded Bethleem inn,
find a way to make a room and let Him in."    

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