About writers

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"As a writer
you ask yourself to dream
while awake."

- Aimee Bender


"A writer is a writer
not because she writes well and easily,
because she has amazing talent,
or because everything she does is golden.
A writer is a writer because,
even when there's no hope,
even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise,
you keep writing anyway."

- Junot Diaz


"You know you're a writer
when you write for no other reason
than you feel compelled to do so
by a force beyond your control."

- Anonymous


"That's what we storytellers do.
We restor order with imagination.
We instill hope again and again and again."

- Walt Disney


"Writers end up writing about their obsessions.
Things that haunt them;
things they can't forget;
stories they carry in their bodies
waiting to be released."

- Natalie Goldberg


"You know you're a writer
when you worry about even your minor characters' story arcs,
because you feel they also deserve the sens of an ending."

- Anonymous


"The writer is by nature a dreamer -
a conscious dreamer."

- Carson McCullers

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