About Love - Falling

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"And so being,
young and dipped in folly,
I fell in love
with melancholy."

- Edgar Allan Poe


"I choose you.
And I'll choose you
over and over
and over.
Without a pause,
without a doubt,
in a heartbeat.
I'll keep choosing you!

- Unknown


"I fell in love
with the way you touched me
without using your hands."

- Unknown


"Find a heart
that will love you at your worst
and arms
that will hold you at your weakest."

- Unknown


"By the way,
I'm wearing the smile
you gave me."

- Unknown


"One day,
someone is going to hug you
so tight
that all of your broken pieces
will fit back together."

- Anonymous


"When I give you my time,
I'm giving you a portion of my life
that I will never get back,
so don't waste it!"

- Unknown

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