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"We are all
That's how the light
gets in."

- Ernest Hemingway


"Someone who thinks
death is the scariest thing
doesn't know a thing
about life."

- Sue Mank Kidd


"Though my soul
may set in darkness
it will raise
in perfect light.
I have loved the storms
too fondly
to be fearful
of the night."

- The Old Astonomer
Sarah Williams


"Weak people revenge;
Strong people forgive;
Intelligent people ignore."

- Unknown


"Smile and let everyone know
that today you're a lot stronger
than you were yesterday."

- Unknown


"It's okay to be scared.
Being scared means you're about to do
something really, really brave."

- Unknown


"Don't be disappointed if people refuse to help you.
Remember Einstein's words:
~I'm thankful to all those who said 'NO!'.
Because of them I did it myself.~"

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