About her

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"She's hurt, mentally and emotionally.
But everyday she walks with a smile,
cause that's just who she is:
The girl who never stopped smiling."


"Behind my smile, there's a story
that you could never understand."


"I think the saddest people
always try their hardest to make people happy.
Because they know what it's like
to feel absolutely worthless
and they don't want anyone else to fell like that."


"And she'll continue to smile
no matter how hurt she is."


"Maybe I care too much,
but it's only because I believe
that everyone deserves to be loved
fiercely and I refuse to be
the one who gives up on someone
who needs it the most."

- Julia Thompson


"You know what?
I'm the type of person that will always care about you.
No matter what you put me through.
If I cared about you once, I will care about you forever."


"She's standing on a line
between giving up
and seeing how much more she can take."

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