About truth and honesty

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"Tell a lie once
and all your truths become questionable."


"If you want to be trusted,
just be honest."

- Kushandwizdom


"I've found that
growing up means being honest.
About what I want,
what I need, what I feel, who I am."

- Epiphany


"Befriend the man who is brutally honest,
for honesty is the brightest from of respect."

- Daniel Saint


"All I'm saying is
never lie to me.
Everything else can be worked out."

- Kushandwizdom


"Honesty has a beautiful and refreshing simplicity about it.
No ulterior motives,
no hidden meanings;
An absence of hypocrisy,
duplicity, political games and verbal superficiality.
As honesty and real integrity characterise our lives,
there will be no need to manipulate others."

- Charles Swindoll


"The worst thing about being lied is
knowing you weren't worth of truth."

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