Colours and souls

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"You are my blue crayon -
the one I never have enough of;
the one I use to color my sky."

- A. R. Asher


" We are all artists,
painting our lives upon the canvas of reality.
Mix the colours your own way
and apply emotion liberally.
Don't be afraid to let your brushstrokes show,
and above all else,
make sure your art has soul."

- Cristen Rodgers


"She sees in black and white,
thinks in grays
but love in colours."

- JmStorm


"If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies -
how different our ideals of beauty would be."


"The finest souls
are those who gulped pain
and avoided making others taste it."

- Nizariat


"Just because you're soft
doesn't mean you're not a force.
Honey and wildfire
are both the colour gold."

- Victoria Erickson


"She was a rainbow,
but he was colour blind."

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