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"When you really care about someone,
their mistakes never change your feelings,
because the mind gets angry but the heart still cares."


"I prefer to distance myself when I'm mad,
because I can be the biggest heartless asshole you've ever met
and you're going to hate me then."


"It's better to cry than be anger,
because anger hurts others, while tears flow silently through the soul
and cleanses the heart."


"I'm sorry for being annoying when I want to talk,
needy because I miss you,
emotional when I care
and insecure because I'm afraid to lose you!"


"Getting angry doesn't solve anything.
So when angry count to ten before you speak.
If very angry, count to one hundred."


"Don't let the hurt that someone else caused
be the reason why you reject the friendship that someone wants to give you.
Never make a person pay for a mistake they didn't make."


"Friendship is caring for each other even when you're angry."

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