To my brother

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"As kids, we lived together, we fought, we laughed, we cried,
we did not always show the love that we both had inside.
We shared our dreams and plans and some secrets too –
all the memories we share is that bounds me now to you.
You are my brother by choice, not by the nature of birth,
but I could never have chosen a better one – you are the best on the earth!"


"I feel like you're so much more than just my brother.
You're the one person I need to talk to when I've had a bad day,
the one person I can rely on not to judge me.
You're my rock, my sweetheart, my best friend. Thank you!"


"You're my brother, you are my friend,
you're my beggining, you are my end.
You're all around me when world turns away,
you are my sunshine on a cloudy day."


"Brother and sister, together as friends,
ready to face whatever life sends –
joy and laughter or tears and strife –
holding hands tightly as we dance through life."


"There's such an awesome feeling
when your brother makes an effort to make you smile!"


"I'm so thankful I have a brother like you to count on.
I know you'll always be there with open arms if I need a hug and open mind if I need someone to understand.
I'm so glad that I can be myself around you.
You know my qualities and my faults, yet you love me just the same.
I'm so proud to have a brother like you, not just for what you have accomplished, but for who you are.
I'm so lucky to have you to talk and laugh with, to reminisce and make new memories with.  

Thanks for being... a brother like you."


"Do you know that you hold a place in my heart that could be filled by no one else?
There have been good times and a few fights, maybe because in many ways we are too much alike.
I have never said it much as somehow the time or mood never seemed right or perhaps there is something in me that keeps me from saying it to your face as much as I should, but regardless I want you to know that I love you.
Our journey through life may take us far apart, but it will not matter as neither distance nor time will dull that which is between us.
You are my brother and my best friend and nothing will ever change this!"

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