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"When you have a bad day,
a really bad day,
try and treat the world
better that it treated you."

- Patrick Stump


"You don't always need a plan.
Sometimes you just need
to breathe, to trust
and to see what happens."


"If you have the power
to make someone happy -
do it.
The world needs more of that."


"Don't forget you're human.
It's ok to have a melt down,
just don't unpack and live there.
Cry it out and then refocus on where you're headed."


"Admit when you are wrong.
Shut up when you are right."

- John Gottman


"Enjoy the little things in life,
because one day
you'll look back and realise that
they were the big ones."


"Every time you get upset, ask yourself -
if it were to die tomorrow,
would it still be worth of being upset over...?"

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