It Rains, Rainy, Rain

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"Sad people like rain
because they are no longer crying alone."


"Let your kindness be like
the rain, that cares not about whom
it falls upon."

- Talib al Habib


"And all I could remember
was us looking at the sky
and wishing for it to rain
in hope that maybe we both
could learn a little
about falling,
the way the sky wrote it on the clouds."

- R. M. Drake


"Raise your words, not your voice.
It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

- Rumi


"Everybody wants happiness;
nobody wants pain.
But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."


"Some people feels the rain.
Others just get wet."

- Bob Marley


"A raindrop landing on your cheek
is a kiss from someone that lives in Heaven
and is watching you."

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