Chapter 2

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"I'm kicking you out of the team. You were just a replacement for Lisanna." That hurt me, but I didn't show it. Tears started to swell up. I clenched my fists, trying to hold back my anger. "You're a weakling. I always have to save your ass!"

OK, that really got me. I ran out of the guild to my apartment crying. Natsu just laughed.

     "Yeah, run away weakling. We don't need you!" I heard the entire guild agreeing with him.

     "Yeah, get out here!" "Get lost, bitch!" "Why did you even join?" "You're the reason we're called weak!"

I ran back to my apartment and tears ran down my face. Why Natsu? You're always talking about helping out your nakamas when in trouble, showing what it means to be a family. I decided to pack up everything I could and summoned Virgo.

"Punishment, Hime?" The pink-haired celestial spirit asked in her usual greeting.

     "No, Virgo. I just want you to put a luggage in the Spirit World and take me to the guild." I said.

     "Hai, Hime." She takes me down to the guild in less than a minute.

     "Arigato, Virgo." She bows at me and disappears as I walked back inside the guild.

     "Oi! What are you doing back here bitch?!" I ignored whoever said that.
      "Lushy!" I turned around to find Happy flying towards me and giving me a tight hug. "Gomen-nasai!" I looked at him with a soft expression.

     "Happy, why are you apologizing? It's not your fault." I pulled him away from me and walked up to Master's office. Once I was in the office, he looks up from the paperwork he's been doing. Probably of the damage Team Natsu's been doing on their jobs.

     "What is it child?" he asked.

     I look a deep breath and said,"Master, I wants to quit Fairy Tail."


"I want to quit Fairy Tail." I was shocked by her request.

    "But why Lucy? I thought you were happy here." Lucy started to explain.

     "Well, I got kicked out of my own team. Everyone called me a weakling, but they're right. I wish to leave for a few years to train and get stronger. I promise I will return to visit once in a while. Please don't be angry at them."

     Those brats! Don't they know the meaning of nakama?

     "Alright, I will erase your guild mark." She hands me her hand and I erase her mark.

     "Arigato Mas—I mean, Makarov." Lucy said, and walked out of the office. I was trying hard to not let the tears fall.


I wonder what Lucy's doing in Master's office? When Lucy came out of the office, I rushed to her and gave her a hug. "Lucy! Gomen-nasai! Gomen-nasai!"

"Happy, stop apologizing, you didn't do anything to me!" Lucy said. She tore me from her and held me up in front of her. The first thing I notice were her hands.

     "Lucy, your hand! It's blank!" No, don't tell me... I looked at her with wide eyes.

    "Yes, Happy. I did." Lucy said, confirming my suspicion.

    "No Lucy! Why are you leaving?!" Everyone in the guild was looking towards us.

"Oi Happy! What's going on here?" It was Natsu. I turned toward him.

     "You!" I screamed. "You made her do it!"

    "Huh? What's going on Happy?" This flame brain.

     "Happy, please just stop." Lucy said from behind me.

     "What's happening?" Carla and Panther Lily just entered the guild. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

     "L-Lucy quit the guild!"

     "What?!" They exclaimed. I saw the shock in everyone's face.

"Lucy's quitting? Finally! Took her long enough." Natsu said too cheerfully. Natsu, why are you so happy with this? Anger boiled up inside me.

     "Natsu," I said with a shaky voice. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I turned and flew at him. I extended my paw and scratched his cheek. He got lucky. That's not going to leave a mark. Natsu's  face turned to shock as he touched the cheek I scratched.

"Happy," I turned back to Lucy. "It was my choice to leave." My voice started to tremble.

     "Why Lucy?"
     "Everybody was right. I am a weakling. I'm going to train hard and prove everyone wrong!" She glared at everyone in the guild and then turned back to me. "So Happy, I want you to stay happy when I'm gone. OK?" I sniffled.

"A-Aye Sir!" She smiled at me one last time and left for good.


What the hell just happen? Happy scratched and blamed Lucy's leave on me? Happy, the Exceed I raised?!

     "Natsu," I looked up to see an angry Happy, Carla and Panther lily. "This is all your fault! We are never speaking to you Dragon Slayers ever again until Lucy comes back!"

    "Hai!" Carla and Panther lily replied. I thought back to what just happened. Lucy being ignored and bullied, Lucy getting kicked out of the team. By me. What have I done?

"Now you hold on there you flying neko!" Lisanna voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Why are you standing up for that weak bitch? She was dragging us down. She was the weakling. You should be happy that I made her leave!" Wait, what?'

     "Lisanna, what did you do?" I said, my jaws clenched.

     "I did nothing, except cast a spell that made you guys forget about Lucy. I was tired of Lucy this and Lucy that! She was stealing my Natsu! I'm so glad that I—" Before she could say anything else, I smacked her right across the face.

     "Don't you ever say that about Lucy ever again!" I yelled at her while she was on the ground holding her cheek.

"Natsu," she said with fear. "Please don't hurt me."

"Really Lisanna? Do you really think that after what you done, I wouldn't get pissed?" Everyone around the two glared at the youngest Strauss sibling on the ground, shaking in fear.

     "Mira, Elf-nee-chan." She called for her siblings to help her.

    "Sorry lil sis. This is your battle to fight." Mira said, with Elfman nodding in agreement. Lisanna started to cry.

    "Karyū no Hōkō!" I bellowed. A beam of fire aimed at Lisanna. Once the fire died down, I saw a burnt Lisanna. Looks like a 2nd degree burn. Could've made it worse. I walked away from the guild.


Sorry if it took so long! So, does Natsu realize his feelings for Lucy? Please review and comment.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. It belongs to Hiro Mashima.

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