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her words ring in my head as she disappears in a split second.

mental asylum.

i'm not crazy. i'm not. stop it.

it creeps me out even more as her words echo in my brain, "but you are."

"no. no, no, no... she's just a part of my imagination. she's not real." i tell myself, pressing my palm onto my eyes as i refuse to accept this reality.

my eyes don't close until morning comes, the little amount of sunlight slowly seeping through the few holes on my blinds.

i don't want to get up. i don't want to get out of this apartment. no, i don't even want to get out of bed.

what if she's in my kitchen, waiting for me to come out of my room? what if she's planning on doing something that will attack me?

what if she's right?

maybe i should enter myself into a mental asylum.

maybe i should be kept in there, slowly rotting like the castaway i am.

and maybe, i am crazy.

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