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          the nurse creeps me out and i ignore her words for now as i step into the cafeteria. people in here look like living corpses, dragging themselves from table to table.

          i am supposed to get a tray and get my own food. it feels like i'm in school again, but this place teaches me nothing.

          once the food is in my hands, i turn around to find an empty table where i can be on my own. my solitary needs are compulsory.

          some of the people here stare at me as if i'm dead meat. some of them stare at their food as if they don't know what to do with it.

          god, don't turn me into them.

          "you can sit here if you want." a voice calls out, belonging to a male.

          i tighten my grip on the silver tray and turn around, finding a boy about my age seated at a table without anyone else with him.

          "you don't look as crazy as the others here. i could use some sanity."

          but i know i'm insane.

          i sit down opposite him, clearing my throat because i'm not always used to strangers.

          thinking that it won't hurt to have a friend, i look at him.

          "i'm michael."

          "and i'm calum."

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