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-Tyde's POV-

"Hey Tyde, we still going to the beach tonight?" Luke asked me.
"Beach?" I questioned as I put my notepads away.
"It's Friday. We always go to the beach on Friday's."
"Right." The bell rang signaling lunch, "I'll be there."
We walked to out usual lunch table, I brought my own today. Luke sat next to me on top of the table, "How's your history project going?" Luke said.
"Pretty good so far. I'm working with Scarlett Jacobs, do you know her?" I asked him.
"The freak with the scars?" Julia, Lukes girlfriend interrupted.
"Hey babe." Luke kissed her then put his attention towards me again.
"She's not a freak, but yeah she's my partner."
"What are you guys talking about?" Someone asked. I looked over, it was Tanya, Julia's best friend.
"The new girl." Julia told her.
"The one who sits with Brandon Carson in science?"
"That's the one."
"Oh she scares me." Tanya said with a shiver.
"Will you guys stop?" I jumped off the table and looked over at the three of them, "It's only her second day and you know nothing about her."
"Do you?" Luke asked.
I sighed, "No, no I don't."
"Then why are you so worried about her?" Tanya added.
I shrugged, "I'm not sure."
"Aw man. You don't like her do you?" Julia groaned.
"No Julia I don't." I took a glance over at the table where she sat yesterday. She was talking to someone, a boy in big glasses.

-Scarlett's POV-

Brandon sat across from me as he explained how to write this essay we started in English. "You have to use evidence from this article and explain your claim." He said.
I nodded, "Great thanks. I get it now."
I put away all things English and drank some of the apple juice I bought.
"Okay, I'll see you in math." He took his things.
"Bye." I said as I picked up my sandwich. I sat there quietly and ate my lunch, still no one showed interest in me.
I was beginning to get bored with not being able to talk to anyone, I missed Chris. After finishing my meal I threw away my trash and went over to my locker. The bell rings in about ten minutes, I needed to occupy myself.
I put my science, English, and Hebrew books away. I took my history and math books and stuffed them in my backpack.
"Oh my gosh what a freak." I heard someone whisper as they walked passed me.
"I know right, such a loser." Another said. A cackle arose from behind me and I turned around to face the girls who make the rude remarks.
"Do you have a problem with me or something?" I asked.
The two girls exchanged glances, "No, why would you..." One hesitated.
"You don't even know me, and you're already talking crap."
"We weren't talking crap." The other pointed out.
The bell rang, "Sure you weren't." I closed my locker behind me and made my way to Mr. Adams classroom.
Mr. Adams made a few announcements after class started then he told us to work on our history projects with our partners. Tyde made his way over to my desk and sat down next to me.
"Hello there." He smiled.
"Hi Tyde." I replied as I pulled out my notebook.
"How you been? Haven't talked to you all day."
I shrugged, "I've been okay I guess. Oh and I have this great idea for the project."
"That's awesome, but I want to ask you something."
I was confused, "Um, okay. What do you want to ask me?"
"A few of my friends and I are going to the beach tonight. Would you like to come?"
"The beach? Tonight." He nodded. I thought about it for a minute. What if something happens and I get caught. What if the police catch us doing something. I couldn't risk it. "No thanks, I'm good."
"Come on Scarlett. It's a Friday night, we're just going to have some fun."
Unfortunately, I gave in. "Alright, pick me up at nine."


At 9:00pm exactly, Tyde was outside. I told Kate that I was going to the beach and would be back in a few hours. I ran outside in the only outfit I had. A black t shirt and a pair of jeans.

-Tydes POV-

"Tyde why did you have to invite her?" Luke groaned.
"Relax, I just want her to have some fun." I said to him.
The door of the back seat opened. "You made it." I exclaimed.
"I told you I was coming." She stated.
"Come on, Julia and Tanya are already there." Luke was getting impatient now.
After introducing Scarlett to him I started the car and started out for the beach.
After about a ten minute drive, we were finally at our destination. "Luke, Tyde! Over here!" I heard Julia call. Luke ran over to the girls and I hung back with Scarlett.
"What do you guys do at the beach on a Friday night anyway?" She questioned.
"We usually just talk, have a few beers."
"You drink?"
"There's Tyde." Tanya said coming over to hug me. Strange, Tanya doesn't really like me. "Look you brought...her along."
I looked down at Scarlett, "Nice to meet you to."
Tanya grabbed a beer from the cooler near Julia and handed it to me. "Want one?" She asked Scarlett.
Scarlett shook her head, "Beer's not my thing." Honestly, it wasn't mine either but I've had and rough day. I popped the bottle open and walked over to the my friends who were sitting in the sand.

-Scarlett's POV-

I was standing alone, about five meters away from the group. I was worried something would happen, especially since they had beer and we're only fifteen and sixteen. I took a seat next to Tyde and silently listened to their conversation.
"Tanya, how did you get the beer?" Tyde asked.
"I know, usually I get it." Luke added.
"You can't be the only on with a fake I.D" Tanya winked as she pulled out her card.
"Sweet." Julia said. "Scarlett, sure you don't want one?".
I shook my head, "I'm good. Thanks."
"Someone's uptight." Tanya remarked.
I glanced at her, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Come on. You've got to let yourself go. Live a little."
"You don't know anything about me."
"Don't need to." She took a final gulp of her beer and threw the bottle on the sand. "In a couple of months soon I'll know everything about you." She reached for another, that's when I heard them. Police sirens.
I tensed up, "Is that the police?"
"Yeah, they're probably chasing a speeding car or something." Tyde said.
"Are you sure?"
He nodded, "Why?"
I shrugged, "No reason."
"See what I mean." Tanya remarked.
I light out a huff and slouched down, "I'm not uptight. I'm just nervous." I thought.
"I'm tired of just sitting here, let's go in the water." Julia announced as she stood up.
"Let's go!" Tanya took off her shorts and top, then threw them at Tyde. Julia did the same thing and soon they were both running to the sea.
"Right behind you!" Luke took off his shirt and ran towards the girls.
I stayed put, not wanting to risk anything.
"You're not going?" Tyde asked.
I shook my head, "I'm not in the mood for swimming."
"Me either. Hey let's ditch them and go some place else."
"Like where?"
He shrugged, "We'll see."
I stood up and we both headed to his car.

-Tydes POV-

I started up the car and drove out of the beach lot. "Seriously, where are we going?" She asked.
"My place? Maybe watch a movie." I glanced over at her, just taking my eyes off the road for a second.
"A-A movie?" Scarlett sounded nervous.
"Why not?"
"Sure, why not." She stuttered.
We were driving down the road and I saw police lights right behind me.
"Oh shoot." I mumbled, then pulled over.
"What? Oh shoot what?" Scarlett asked.
"The cops, they're right behind me."
"Don't worry, I'm just going to pull over."
I pulled on to the side of the road and rolled down my window. An officer soon walked over to my car. "Hello Officer, how are you." I smiled politely.
"Hello sir, just wanted to pull you over and let you know your tail lights are off." He told me.
I nodded and thanked him for the notice. When he was gone, I rolled up my window and looked over at Scarlett who looked as white as a ghost.
"You okay?" I asked her.
She nodded, "I'm fine." Her voice was quivering but I ignored it.

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