dye & date.

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-Scarlett's POV-

Brandon has been living with me secretly for two days. It's been pretty fun, just the both of us hanging out most of the time.
It was around two in the afternoon. I stared at myself in the mirror. I needed to do something to my look so I don't get recognized by any police. I can't believe it took me two months to figure that out.
I needed to do something to my hair, I didn't want to cut it so I came up with something better. Dye it.
I walked back into my room, "Hey. I want to dye my hair." I said to Brandon.
He looked at me, "Really? Why?"
I shrugged, "Just want to change my look is all."
"Okay, let's go to the drug store then." Brandon snuck out the window and I met him out front. There was a drug store a block away from my house so we decided to walk there.


Brandon and I walked through the hair dye aisle of the shop and looked at the tons of different colours. "What are you going for exactly?" He asked.
"I don't know. I really like my natural brown hair but I also like the blond colour." I picked up a box that looked like a golden yellow.
"So you want both colours? Natural and dyed?" I nodded. "Ombre."
"Ombre. It's a hair styler or some shit like that. Basically it's your hair colour combined with a lighter hair colour." He showed me some pictures.
"Okay. I love it." I grabbed the box off the shelf and skipped to the cash register. After paying for my dye Brandon and I just stood outside of the shop. "Do you know how to do Ombre?" I asked.
He nodded, "My sister styles hair and she taught me how before she left. It's pretty easy."
I nodded, "Alright. Let's go back home and dye!" I laughed.


After about two to three hours, my hair was finally done. I took it out of its twirled up towel from the top of my head. I asked Brandon to hand me the mirror to take a glance of my new hair.
"Alright, here you go!" I took the mirror from him. I held it in my hands and glanced at myself.
I looked like a different person. The blond parts of my hair started in streaks at the top and went all the way to my ends. My curls complimented the hair style nicely, it suited me. "I love it. Thank you." I gave Brandon a hug then my phone began to ring.
I picked it up.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Scarlett, hey!" Tyde greeted over the other line.
I smiled, "What's up?" Then put him on speaker phone for Brandon to hear.
"I was just wondering. Do you happen to be available for tonight?"
"Might I ask why?" Brandon and I exchanged smirks.
"Well because, I would like to take you out tonight. On a date, a real date."
"Umm..." Brandon hit my shoulder then nodded. "Sure, why not?"
"What time should I pick you up?"
"Be at my house at seven."
"Okay, I'll see you then!" He hung up and I threw my phone on my bed.
"DATE NIGHT!! YES!" Brandon yelled.
I laughed, "I can't believe I said yes."
"Oh stop! Come on, you have to find something to wear." Brandon ran over to my closet and busted the doors open.
"Hush child, I'm trying to help you out. Just sit down and watch the magic happen."


After about an hour, Brandon had successfully chosen an outfit for me to wear on my date with Tyde tonight. He had picked out a pastel pink sundress and a pair of white Converse. I wore a white headband with a bow in my hair and just let my curls run free.
When I was done changing I walked into my room to show Brandon how the outfit had looked.
"You look great." He said.
I smiled, "Thank you, it wouldn't have been possible without you." He gave me a hug and told me to have fun tonight.

-Tyde's POV-

I haven't seen Scarlett since the day of the family cook out, so I was really happy she agreed to go out on a date tonight.
I put on a pink jacket along with a white shirt and blue skinny jeans. I wore my Yeezys with them because they were so comfortable.
I went downstairs and grabbed the car keys, "Mum I'm leaving!" I called.
"Mum's not home Ty." Troye said from the kitchen table. He was sitting across from Connor who just sat there silently. I didn't notice they were there.
"Oh really. Well'll I'm going out, I'll be back soon."
"Ooo where you going?" Troye asked with a smirk.
"To see his girlfriend duh!" Connor chimed in.
I rolled my eyes, "Are you really?" Troye asked.
I nodded, "Yeah I'm going to go see Scarlett, but she's not my girlfriend."
"Okay, sure." Connor said.
"We saw you guys kiss at the beach. You aren't slick!" Troye added.
"You saw?" They both nodded, "Whatever. I'm actually going on a date with her tonight."
"Tonight?!" They both said.
"Yeah, I have some fun stuff planned."
"Like what?"
"Can't tell you." I smirked as I walked out the front door.
I started the car and drove to her house.


I was walking towards to front door when I saw a young sunflower growing in the front yard. I picked it then went over to knock on the door.
I heard it unlock from the otherside and began to get excited. When the door opened, Brandon stood there with a smile.
"Oh, hey Brandon." I said.
"Hi Tyde, what's up?" He asked.
"I'm here to pick up..."
"Brandon is he...Tyde." Scarlett said running towards the door. I smiled.
She smiled back, "I'll see you later Brandon." Brandon nodded and closed the door behind her once she got outside.
"Hey." I said.
"You look nice."
Scarlett blushed, "Thank you. We're matching, with the colours."
I looked down at my outfit, "Yeah, and you changed your hair."
"Oh right, do you like it?"
"It's different, in a good way. This is for you by the way."
I handed her the flower and she smiled, "Thank you, for the flower I had in my garden." She giggled.
"I was hoping you wouldn't notice." I smiled shyly.
"It's sweet, thank you." She grabbed my hand and got on her toes to kiss my cheek. "What are we doing tonight anyway?"
I opened the car door for her and she stepped inside. "You'll see." I answered as I closed the car door for her.


I pulled into the car park of a diner not that far from both of our homes. "A diner?" Scarlett asked.
"Yeah. Oh no were you expecting something fancy?" I began to worry.
She laughed and shook her head, "Tyde, it doesn't matter. The only thing I want is to have a fun night while spending time with you." We both smiled at eachother and got out of the car.
We walked out and I told the woman in front that it would be a table for two. Scarlett and I got seated in the back of the restaurant. We both sat across from eachother and looked at the menu.
"What do you feel like having?" I asked.
"A hamburger I think."
"I was thinking the same thing. Excuse me, could we get two hamburgers and one Oreo milkshake? Thank you." I said to the waiter. He walked away after he took our order.
"Oreo milkshake?"
"Yeah, we could share one."

-Scarlett's POV-

"How have you been?" He asked.
I nodded, "I've been good. Brandon and I have been hanging out a lot."
"He doesn't..." Tyde drifted off.
"Doesn't what?" I sat up.
"He's not into you is he?"
I almost laughed, "No, he's not into me. Or any girl actually."
Based off of Tyde's expression I already knew he understood what I was saying. "Oh! Okay. When did he, tell you?"
"Wednesday night. He came over to my house at around eleven."
"Why so late?"
"His dad kicked him out of the house. Said he needed to be straight in order to come back home." The waiter came with the milkshake and placed it in front of me. "Thank you." I said to him.
"That's awful." Tyde said.
I nodded, "Yeah, I know." I grabbed my straw and took a swig of the cookies and cream goodness. When I did Tyde scooped a little whipped cream on his finger and dabbed it on my nose.
"Tyde!" I laughed.
He just sat there with a smug look on his face, then leaned in to take a sip aswell.
"That's a good look on you."
"What is?" I asked.
"A white nose. But seriously let me clean it up for you." I got closer to him and he kissed my nose. I scrunched it up when he did. "All gone!"
"Thanks for that." I smiled.
After that, Tyde just stared at me with a smile on his face. "What?" I asked.
He sat up, "Nothing." The smile didn't go away.
"Have you traveled outside of Perth before?" I wondered. Just curious to see where he had been.
Tyde nodded, "I've traveled out if Australia many times."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, the farthest I've ever been from home was Los Angeles, California."
"You've been to the U.S?"
Tyde laughed as if I should have already known that. "Yeah, I go to visit my friends or just travel with my brother."
"That must me nice. Traveling the world and experiencing new places at such a young age."
"I know it's crazy, but I love it. I love seeing the culture and meeting new people."
Our burgers were then set on the table and the both of us chowed down on them. "You're lucky Tyde. The farthest I've ever been is Perth." I continued the conversation after my first bite.
"Do you want to travel the world?"
I thought about it. That'd be pretty hard for me to try to get away with. My safest bet would be to travel by car, not by plane.
"I want to travel Australia before I travel anywhere else. I would just like to explore where I'm from you know?" He nodded and we both continued to eat our burgers.

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