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-Tydes POV-

I sat in my room, in bed, underneath a blanket with tears still running down my face. I haven't gotten out of the house in three days. I guess this is how you cope with a broken heart. A knock came from my door and it slowly opened, it was my mum checking in on me again. "How are you feeling today Tyde?" She asked me.
I shook my head, "Not well mum. I miss her." I sat up and she walked over to me.
"I know you do dear." She wrapped her around me, "Its hard to let go of someone you love."
"I want to see her." I stoop up.
"Mum, I'm going to Albany to see her. I just need to speak with her, to make sure everything is okay."
"No, you can't."
"Why not?"
"Because I said so, you aren't allowed to go anywhere near that detention center. It's too dangerous."
"I know you mean well, but you have to stay here."

(A.n names changed again)

-Jade's POV-

Six in the morning, the usual wake up time back in this place. The sounds of cell doors opening echoed throughout the hallways of the building. I was still laying down at my bed facing the wall. Dry tears were on my cheeks as well as dry blood on my hands from the fights I've been in since I've been here.
I was sleepy but my mind refused to let me rest. My anxiety had gotten worse since I've come back. Too many uneasy thoughts cross my mind like just keep the brain racing. "Peterson let's go. It's time to shower." A woman's voice said behind me. I sat up slowly, brought my legs around, and faced her. She handed me everything I needed and pulled me out of my bed.
I've grown weak from the lack of eating here, on top of that, the first day I was here I couldn't stop vomiting. The guard led me to the showers along with a bunch of other girls. She just held on to me so I wouldn't collapse like I did the first day. I got undressed and hung my night jumpsuit on the door of the showers, I turned the knob and the cold water struck my body. My body began to shiver as I began to rub spoap on my bare skin.
When the shower was over I quickly dried off and put on a fresh jumpsuit they provided me with. It fit perfectly, not to big and not too small. I walked down the hallway with and escort back to my cell bare foot, I just felt comfortable with the cold tile against my feet. "Peterson, you're therapist is here." The woman said. I stopped and looked up at her.
I got put into the room I saw Emily last time I was here. I sat down crossed legged in the metal chair across from her. It was big enough for me to do so.
Emily looked at me in disappointment, "Hello Jade." She said. I just looked at her and didn't say anything and looked at my hands in my lap. "I heard you escaped, you were missing for almost three months?"
I nodded, "It says that you were in Perth, is that true?" I nodded again, "Jade I need you to talk to me so I know you're okay." I looked up at her, put my hands on top of the cold table, and shrugged.
How could I possibly be okay? I lost someone I cared deeply for because of all of this. Because I pulled the trigger, killed my father, dropped the gun that hit and killed my mother I was here.
It wasn't my fault, it was self defense. I thought he was going to kill us, and the gun fired when it fell. My eyes began to water but I bit my bottom lip to keep them from running down my cheeks.
"I got a judge to over look your case again, Jade." Emily was a therapist (kind of) but she was also my lawyer. I just preferred therapist.
"All you have to do is tell them what happened that night and tell the truth. If you tell them the truth, you'll be free. It's in one month."

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