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-Scarlett's POV-

There was a knock on my door, Mason walked in with a paper plate topped with a slice of pizza. "Hey, I know you're not feeling well but I brought you pizza." He said.
"Thank you Mason but I'm not hungry." I didn't look at him.
He walked over to my bed and sat down, "I know you're hurting. That's okay, it's normal." I told Brandon what happened because he heard me crying when he came home from school.
I nodded, "I just can't believe he did that."
"I know, I know. He's a jerk. But you'll get over him."
He nodded, "The first broken heart is always the hardest to overcome, but you'll get there." Mason kissed the top of my head, "Goodnight." He said then walked out. Even though Mason and I weren't brother and sister, it sure seemed like it. He was a good person that really knew how to take care of family.
I still sat in the middle of my bed with my legs crossed and phone in my hand. I was wearing underwear and a giant tshirt to keep me comfortable. The tshirt I was wearing wasn't even mine actually, it belonged to Tyde. Even though he broke my heart I missed him. I missed him, so fucking much.
I checked the time on my phone, ten o'clock. I sighed and put my phone on my night stand. I finally got to urge to walk out of my room and go into the restroom. I flicked on the light switch and closed the door behind me. My bare feet walked across the bathroom carpet mat as I faced myself in the mirror. My eyes were puffy, my hair was a mess, and my nose was bright red. I turned the water on to wash my face, then put my hair up in a ponytail. After I finished cleaning myself up I stared at myself in the mirror.
"You're broken, Jade." I thought, "You're something that can never be fixed and that's why people throw you away."
I shook my head. "You're like a toy with no purpose. No one wants you."
"Stop." I whispered to myself, "It's not true." I turned off the light and walked out of the restroom into my room.
Silently, I turned around to close the door behind me. With my hand still on the door knob I rested my forehead on the door and closed my eyes. A single teardrop escaped my eye and I wiped it away.
I turned around to walk towards my bed and saw someone standing there. I almost jumped back. "How did you get in?"
"The window was open."
"Why are you here?" I whispered.
"I came here to apologize." Tyde said walking closer to me.
"There's nothing to say. We're done just like you said, and we should leave it at that."
"Stop. Nothing you can say or do is going to make me forgive you." I walked up to him, "You lied to me. You made me feel special but in the end it all went to shit!" Tears began to rush down my face.
"You are special. Everything I ever said and did I meant. Believe me when I say this. Tanya and I did not sleep together yesterday."
My heart stopped, "What?" I whispered.
"The three of them came over yesterday. I went to the bathroom and left my phone in my room when you called. That story you heard was all made up." He stared at me.
"What about the kiss? At lunch."
"Tanya kissed me, I pushed her away right when she put her lips on mine. Scarlett you know I'd never do anything to hurt you. I know that you're mad, but just know that I am always going to be here for you. You're the first girl I've ever loved, and nothing is going to change that."
The both of us just stood there looking at eachother. "If you don't want to talk, thats fine. I'll see myself out."
Before he could turn around, I grabbed his shoulder and brought him closer to me. I grabbed the back of his neck and connected our lips. Suddenly, it was as if everything came back together. Every broken part of my heart was fixed with that first kiss.
Tyde put his hand on my waist and lifted up my shirt so he was now touching my bare skin. I backed up and sat down on my bed, Tyde came closer and kissed me once more. I began to unbutton the shirt that he had on, starting from the bottom. When it was all unbuttoned I looked at his bare upper body. I slowly rested my hand on his chest so I could feel his heartbeat. I slipped my hand upward onto his shoulder and slid off his sleeve. Then I sat up and placed a soft kiss where his sleeve was. Tyde took off the shirt and threw it on the ground next to my bed. I did the same as I ripped off the shirt I had on only leaving me in a black sports bra and underwear. He unhooked my bra and I flung it across my room.
I grabbed Tydes back as he pushed me on my bed so I was now laying down on my back. I kissed him and began to unbuckle his belt. Before I could take off his pants he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He opened it up, took out a tiny blue packet, and put it in between his teeth. Tyde took his pants off then his boxers, leaving him completely naked. He ripped open the packet and slid a piece of rubber on his penis.
I was still on my back, my elbows kept me from being completely flat. Tyde slipped off undies so I was now fully naked. He covered us both in my blanket and crawled over my body so our faces were closer. So close that our noses were touching. "I love you." He whispered, "I'm never going to stop loving you." I cupped his cheeks with both of my hands and brought him in for a kiss. His tounge slipped into my mouth as we continued to make out. He pecked my lips and I brought him closer. I stuck my tounge in his mouth and got closer to him. I wanted no separation between our lips.
Our lips parted and Tyde began to kiss down my neck, to my collar bone, and down to my shoulder. I grabbed the hair on the back of his neck and gasped. Tyde gripped my thigh and continued down my chest and crested my stomach, tickling me, teasing me. I bit my bottom lip as he placed a kiss on my belly sending shivers down my spine. He looked back up at me, his brown eyes pleading in the darkness of the night.
I pulled him over to me and wrapped my left leg around his back, and pushed him. Making him flip over so I was was now on top. I sat on top of his torso. He placed his hands on my waist and moved his fingers downward, I gasped at his soft touch. I stared into his eyes and took my wild hair out of its ponytail. I placed my hand his shoulder and leaned in close. I kissed his forehead, nose and placed my index finger on is soft lips. I teased him and kissed his cheek, Tyde laughed and brought me to his lips to kiss him.
I giggled as he flipped me over. I covered my smile with my hand and then, with the same hand, I ran my fingers through his hair. "Tyde Levi..." I whispered.
"Scarlett Jacobs..." He whispered back. His voice made me tingle all over my body. Tyde moved a strand of hair that was covering my face and kissed my neck. He knew the exact place I liked to be kissed. I moaned and brought him in closer.
He stopped and looked over at me. Tyde leaned in close to my ear. "If this hurts, I'll stop." He whispered then kissed my forehead. Tyde grabbed the head board of my bed. I wrapped my legs around his lower back and my arms around his neck. He went in slowly, I gasped. Then he did it again a little faster, and soon he was going so fast fast that I didn't have time to decide if it hurt or not. Everytime was a new and different sensation, each time he went in I would gasp and whisper. "Tyde..." I moaned and a bead of sweat ran down my forehead. Tyde was out of breath and slowed down, he gasped aswell and then finally stopped.
He laid down on his back next to me, I turned on my side, put my arm around his torso, and rested my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, it was slow and steady. I brought the blanket closer to myself so it covered my breasts. Tyde had it covering his stomach and below. I reached for Tydes cheek with my hand. He grasped my hand then placed a kiss on it. Tyde put his arm around my shoulder and rubbed it slowly. "I'm sorry." I whispered, "For doubting you."
"You had a right to be mad." He said back.
"But not at you." We still didn't look at eachother, "I should've trusted you and known that it was all a cruel joke. I'm so stupid."
"You're not stupid."
I sat up and looked at Tyde, he flashed me a smile. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. I laid back down and closed my eyes. Soon the both of us had fallen asleep.

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