Chapter 2

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As you walked up to the door of your house, you felt a sudden eerie silence fill the area. It usually wasn't usually this quiet. Right? You brushed it off as nothing important and slowly opened the door to your small house.

Walking inside you noticed that all the lights were off. You felt all of your senses say "run," but you brushed it off once again. Flicking the light switch on, the lights flickered a bit before turning completely on. You looked around the room and found nothing worth your intrest and walked up to your room. Your parents probably just went out somewhere, or your mother went crazy and got them both arrested. You remembered that it used to happen often, but nobody cared enough about you to get you out of the hell you had to endure living here.

Opening the door, you threw your green bookbag on the floor, jumped onto your small bed and curled up into your blankets. You began to drift off into sleep until a loud "BANG," startled you. Jumping up out of bed, you walked over and pressed your ear against the door. You heard you're father's voice, but it only sounded like gibberish to you.

You slightly opened the door and began to listen to his conversation. He began to talk to himself, probably not realizing you were in the house. "Of course that woman goes and gets herself arrested again! Man, if I knew that all ger parents money wouldn't be passed down to her, I wouldn't have gotten married to the slut in the first place!" He began to rummage through cabinets and droors, slamming them shut, due to the fact he couldn't find whatever he could possibly be looking for. He began to speak again, but his voice was louder. "And as for that child of hers. Heh. I bet it isnt even mine! I should just end both of their miserable lives!" He paused as he opened another droor. "Aha! There it is! I haven't shot a gun in forever!" He chuckled a bit and closed the droor.

You stared down at the floor in shock. Was Chara even with you this time? Without her you wouldn't even have the DETERMINATION to kill anyone, let alone your "father."

A small draft caused the door to slam closed, making you jump and fall back. 'Shit.' You thought as you heard footsteps climbing the stairs to your room. Looking around the room, you looked for anything that could possibly be used as a weapon. You grabbed your bookbag and sighed. 'What the hell could I do with this?' You threw the bookbag on and realized that even if you did find a weapon, you wouldn't even have the courage to do anything. This, and the fact that you're potential murderer's footsteps were almost to to your door, made you immediately panic.

You looked back and ran, as you sighted your only chance of survival. Opening your window, you jumped out of it, falling on a twig that impaled your right arm. You screeched in pain, but got up and kept running. It was time that you high tailed it out of that house of horrid memories, and you knew that no matter what, you weren't ever going to look back.

You kept running, ignoring your fathers constant yelling. You saw an alleyway and ran into it. Normally, you would be smart enough to not go into a dark alleyway at night, but you didn't have the time to think about it. You stoped running and leaned against the alleyway's wall, panting heavily. You sat down and closed your eyes. You needed to rest a bit, and this alley, at the time, seemed like the best place to do so.

You began to drift off into sleep until you heard footsteps from the end of the long narrow passage. They didn't seem extremely close, but you still did keep your guard up.

As you listened, you could tell that the footsteps were gaining fast, meaning whoever the person was, they were running. Where they after you, or trying to get away? You didn't want to know, but you were still too tired to stand. Your legs felt like jello, and you still felt sharp pain in your arm.

You kept listening to the footsteps, they seemed to be getting closer and closer, until they disappeared completely. You opened your eyes and looked around the alley. There was not a person in sight. You tilted you head in confusion and leaned your head against the wall. 'I'm going insane, aren't I?' You thought.

You wanted to close your eyes and drift back off into a deep sleep, but you didn't. You felt as if someone, or something was going to prevent it for the 3rd time. Suddenly, (pineapples) you heard a faint noise. You looked around, but saw nothing. 'What the hell is happening?' You thought.

You felt something rub against your arm and looked down. It was extremely hard to see, since it was night, but it felt soft and comforting.

As your eyes adjusted, you looked at the soft creature and saw a black cat. It had blue eyes that seemed to illuminate in the moonlight. It was purring softly and rubbing its head against your arm. You went to touch it and it slowly backed away. "Hey, you touched me first, is it paw-ssible to let me touch you?" You giggled softly at your pun and the cat meowed.

You yawned and leaned against the alley wall. The cat walked over and laid on your lap. Even though it was only a small cat, it made you feel safe, and warm. You fell into a deep slumber, and the cat purred making you feel safe, out in this dark, cold world.

A/n: So. Anyone wanna name this cat? Let's see if you can guess the name I'm going with, or if there is a bame I really like I might go and name it that! Comment this cats name! (Btw its a boy cat.) Also thank you for reading!


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