Chapter 4

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A/n: Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I'm supposed to be helping my grandmom move so I haven't been able to get this out till now. Also, would you guys like me to give the chapters names? I wasn't very creative when I began so I just wrote chapter 1, 2, 3, etc. So it might be fun to go through and name it. Up to you though.

--???'s POV--

I stared at the limp body that laid on a bed of buttercups and immediately began to panic. This person saved my life, and now I can't even do anything to save them. I began to look around for something, anything, that could help me, but to no prevail. Blood began to ooze out of their skull and their breathing was slow and hitched. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit what do I do?" I said to myself aloud.

Picking up the frail limp body in front of me, bridal style, I walked into the next room. "Just hold on." I said to the person in my arms. Even though I haven't the slightest idea who they were, they made me feel safe, and I felt as if I couldn't live without them.

As I walked to the middle of the dark room I noticed a small patch of light and tilted my head. 'It feels like something, or someone should be here.' I thought, but I shook it off and continued on.

The next few rooms had several puzzles, which didn't take me long to solve, but what worried me was the pace of breaths this person had. It was getting slower and the blood also wouldn't stop. I began to move faster through the puzzles.

I walked into a room and a small frog jumped up to me. I glared at it for a minute and it began to ribbit and meow? "Cute," I said a little louder than intended. It blushed and hopped away. Smiling, I ran off to the next area, which had a tree in the middle. I ran past the tree and gazed upon a small house. Seeing a small house in this new world filled me with DETERMINATION!

I walked up to the door and knocked with my foot. I didn't hear anything, so I knocked with my foot once more, this time with a little more force. I heard slight footsteps and watched as the door opened.

A goat like lady stood there, rubbing her eyes. When she finally looked at us she gasped. "Oh my! Come in my child, I will tend to your friend's wounds!" She led us inside and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I was relieved to know she might have a chance now.

She took the girl from my arms and carried them into a room, along with some medical supplies, and left me in a room with a chair and a fireplace. Curling up near the fire, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

--Normal POV--

You woke up and felt sharp pain throughout your body. You felt sore, but that didn't stop you from getting up to find out where you were. You turned on the light and turned to see a slice of pie on a plate, which was on the floor. You smiled and picked it up, placing it on the bed so it wouldn't be steped on. You then proceeded to walk out of the room.

Walking into what seemed to be the living room, you saw a goat lady reading a book and someone on the floor asleep. The goat lady seemed to notice you, since she put down her book and looked up at you. "Hello my child." She whispered, trying not to wake the sleeping person on the floor. "My name is Toriel and you are?" You smiled and opened your mouth to speak, but couldn't remember the answer.

'Who exactly am I?' You thought sadly. You couldn't remember anything other than the basics. You sat and tried to think about who you were, but it gave you an immense headache, so you just looked at the goat lady and frowned. "I-I don't know." You said shyly.

The goat lady, or Toriel, nodded and stood up. She walked over and hugged you softly. "It's okay, my child. You will eventually remember." Toriel left the embrace and smiled at you. "Get some rest, maybe it will cure your amnesia."

You nodded and limped back to the room you awoke in. Hopping onto your bed, you frowned and sighed. "There is absolutely no way I just sat on that pie." You said to yourself, as you mentally facepalmed.

Jumping off the bed, you put the plate of smushed pie on the floor. You then walked over to a dresser and opened it. It was filled with different assortments of clothes. You switched from your dark blue jeans into brown pants and your (f/c) shirt into a green shirt, which had a single yellow stripe on it. You slipped off your old, worn-out black Vans, and laid in bed once again. Closing your eyes, you immeadietly fell asleep, having dreams of memories that will be forgotten once you have awoken.

A/n: Now I know what your all thinking...


I haddddd toooo. You guys commented it on the last book so I just had to bring it back! CX

Anyway, we still have no clue who this mysterious person is! Also, get hype for the next chapter. It's gonna be a doozy!

It's totally not 3 in the morning... sh don't judge me..... it's my life... heh... Im tired....


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