Chapter 3

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You once again woke up to the sound of footsteps. Cursing to yourself about not finding a better place to sleep, you got up, making the small cat jump from your lap. The footsteps were running, and at a fast pace, just as the ones you heard before, but this time they weren't stopping.

"Hey, you!" An unfamiliar man's voice called. You didn't care who they were, or their intentions. For all you knew, they were going to take you back to that house. You grabbed the dark, small cat and began to run as fast as you could away from the alley and the man, who seemed to have had backup. "Stop running! We won't hurt you! We just want that c-" The sounds of the man's voice was cut off by the honking of a car. You stared at it as the headlights drew close. You closed your eyes and awaited impact, but it never came. Opening your eyes, you realized that you were now across the street.

You looked back in the direction of the man, and realized he was wearing a white lab coat, giving you another reason to run. You also noticed or 3 others were running towards you, and you sighed. 'Great, backup.' You thought as you began to run again, but this time you had a destination in mind.


Running to the foot of the mountain, which was covered with golden buttercups, you began to run up it's trail. Looking over your shoulder, you let out a sigh of relief seeing that the people who were chasing you were gone. You took this opportunity to put the cat in your bookbag. To get to the hole that leads to the underground, you need both your hands, and at the moment, your bookbag seemed like the best option for this cat. After you placed the cat in your bookbag, you put it on and chuckled when the cat popped out of the bag with a meow.

You began to get lost in thought and began to think of names to come up with for the cat. From what you knew he was a boy. You began to say the names out loud to see if any of them had a nice ring to it. "Hmm. Stardust?" The cat began to meow a bit. You looked at it and it seemed to be giving a stern look. "Whattttt? It's cute!" You laughed and the cat went back into the bookbag. You sighed. "Twilight? Sinister? Moonshine?" The cat moved a bit for each, but it seemed not to like the names. "Come on ya' weirdo! Let me name you! These names are purrfect!" You laughed a bit and sat in silence. "Heh... Sans?" You said softly.

The cat perked out of the bag and you looked at it. It seemed a bit sad, and confused. You couldn't place its expression exactly, but it made you smile. "Are you curious? Curiosity killed the cat, but I guess it can't be helped. Sans is... was... my everything, but something happened and we got separated. It's fine though, because were going to get back to him!" You said cheerily. The small cat meowed and went back into your bag. "I guess I'll just have to name you later then." You said as you kept climbing the mountain.

As you neared the top of the mountain you spotted the hole that led to the underground. The area around it was full of pure green grass and yellow flowers. You smiled at the sight of such a nice area, and even more at the fact that it lead you to Sans and all the other monsters that you have come to see as your family.

Walking towards the hole leading to the underground, you couldn't help, but think of the old story your mother used to read to you before you went to bed. Alice in Wonderland? That never happened? Too bad.

You looked down the never ending pit of darkness and sighed. 'How am I supposed to get down there?' You questioned yourself. Turning around to find something to help you get down, you lost your balance and fell backwards. 'Oh well woopty fuckin doo!' You thougut as you watched the hole get smaller and smaller, farther and farther until you felt a sharp pain in your head. Everything blacked out, but you could faintly hear a voice you couldn't recognize.

"No! P-Please wake up! Stay DETERMINED! Your all I've ever had!"

A/n: ooooo who is this mysterious person? Who could it POSSIBLY BE? Also, are you going to be okay?
Maybe not...


Forever Blue ~A Sansxreader Sequel to The Verte-bae~Where stories live. Discover now