Chapter 7

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A/n: Writer-chan has sinned... She hasn't posted in two weeks... I'm ashamed of myself and I apologize for my absence in this story. Anyway, since we hit 100+ followers I wanted to know if you guys would want me to write an undertalexreader one-shot book. It could be all Sansxreaders since I have experience with them, or it could be anyone from the gamexreader or whatever. I would love to have a little place to let out all my ideas that wouldn't work out for this story and It could be fun. It's up to all of you though! Also, that picture is how I imagine Mistral would look. I went back and cheanged his hair color... Anyway let's get back to this story before my internet starts to get slow shall we?
~Writer-chan the sinner

A few hours had pasted since you had woken up down in the area that was called the ruins, and in that time you had learned a lot. You learned about the war between monsters and humans, and met a few new people.

You also learned that you slowly began to forget things here and there. It wasn't anything major like forgetting a person entirely, but it was more along the lines of forgetting what you were doing or forgetting how people acted. You didn't understand what was wrong with you, but Mistral had the idea of you writing important things in your journal.

"Hey that's a great idea!" You said as you pulled the black and white composition book out of your backpack.

"Oh thank you Mistral!~ Your the best friend a forgetful girl like me could have!~" Mistral said in a mocking tone. You rolled your eyes, which made him smirk and chuckle a bit.

You flipped through the pages of the book and stopped on a page that had a sketch on it. It was crumpled and torn, but you could faintly make out a small bottle of what seemed to be ketchup.

You paused and stared at it with a blank expression as you felt your head throb. You immediately turned to the next clean page in hope of making the pain disappear, and to your surprise, it worked.

You began to write.

Journal Entry #1

Date:??? Time:???

I can't really tell what the time is, or what day it is. The "ruins" seem to have it's own time and date, but I don't have a clue. Anyway. Hi myself! I'm going to write things that you may forget in this book and Mistral will probably show it to you just in case. Anyway. Let's start off with the people I know. Also. Never ever ever ever EVER! Show anyone the contents of this journal. It's for your eyes!!!!

Nix: At the moment I know a little over nothing about this little cinnabun. All I know for sure is that he wears a faded ribbon on his arm and he never takes it off. I also recently learned that he is absolutely, positively.... blind. He can't see a thing. He told me that he used to see things. He misses it. He told me that something happened, and it made him like this. He refuses to tell me though. I feel terrible about not being able to help... also he is 6 years old, turning 7 years in a few days.

Steffi: I wish I could say I didn't know anything about this girl. She is 7 and man she won't shut up. Not saying I don't like her. Heck she is adorable and I love her, but man does she have a lot to say. She is extremely innocent and honest. Although she kind of needs to know when not to tell someone that eating chocolate will make them fat and ugly. Man Chara wouldn't stop crying...

Astraea: The girl who dresses up like a cowgirl. Everyone calls her Astra for short. She grew up on a farm with her grandmother and her mother until her mother passed from a fatal disease. Astra is a year older than you... or me I guess... and she loves to wear cowgirl outfits. She dreams of being a detective when she gets older, even though she acts more like a sheriff. She and Mistral don't seem to like each other, but I think they can try to get along.

Chara: The oldest human and the first to fall into the underground. She is terrified of the humans on the surface, but she is extremely sweet and kindhearted. She absolutely loves chocolate and her favorite person is Asriel. She is extremely smart and her vocab is extremely advanced. Also I totally ship her with Asriel. CX

Asriel: Chara likes to call him Flower boy, due to his interest in flowers? He is the actual son of Queen Toriel and King Asgore. Like everyone else here, he is extremely kind, but unlike everyone else here, he is a total cry baby. He is really shy and he has a huge crush on Chara as well.

Mistral: He seems about our age. He was a science experiment on the surface. He doesn't like to talk about it much and I don't blame him. He has cuts almost everywhere, probably from abuse at the lab or something. He is part cat, as you could probably tell. And him and Nix seem to have a sort of connection. They didn't actually know each other till recently, but Mistral seems protective over him.

Note to self: Mistral is actually really really realllllyyyyy cute.... don't deny you've got a small crush on that neko child. He is adorable.

This is actually fun to write.' You thought as a smile began to form on your face.

Mistral sat down next to you, making you immediately slam the book shut. "U-uh okay?" He studdered in a confused tone. "What was that about?"

"Nothing!" You exclaimed almost instantly as your face began to turn a slight shade of red.

"But your blushing!" He said with a small laugh. His tail began to flick around in amusement and you stared at the floor. Man the floor was so interesting right now...

Mistral grabbed your chin, making you stare into his blue eyes, which reminded you of an ocean. You stared in shock as they began to turn hazel. They began to shimmer like the sun on a nice, breezy sunmer day. You wanted to ask how that coul possibly happen, but your mine was more set on his face. His slightly tanned skin and his perfectly chiseled features made you melt and you never wanted to stop staring.

You were broken from your thoughts as two hands waved in front of your face. "Elloooo? Underground to (Y/n)?" Mistral began to say as he waved his hands in front of your face.

"Sorry." Was all you said beforeyou shooed Mistral away to began writing more about the underground. You wrote about how Toriel loved to bake pies and about the area around her house. You wrote about a tiny froggit you had encountered while walking with Mistral an hour before.

You wrote about all your experiences before setting the book down and joining the others. They were all sitting in the living room, playing some weird game called "Kiss. Marry. Kill." You sat next to Mistral and began to play as well.

A few minutes later, you heard the doornob turn and stared at the front door. Toriel, or goat mom as you liked to call her, walked in with a few grocery bags and a box.

"Greetings my children," she spoke softly. "I have come home with ingredients for butterscotch cinnamon pie, and some spider doughnuts!" She smiled sweetly as everyone cheered for the sweets.

Chara began to run in circles screaming "chocolate and sweets" at the top of her lungs while Nix and Steffi began to dance around.

You smiled and rested your head against Mistral's shoulder as you began to slip away into a deep sleep.

A/n: Tried so hard not to go into too much yet. Oh and Mistral ay reader? Mmmmmm. Kitties! Also, don't kill me, but I've changed Mistrals hair color to match his cat form, so it's black, instead of dirty blonde. Doesn't change much, but if your wondering why I made it dirty blonde in the first place, I had a reason. Sh. CX

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