Chapter 5

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A/n: Is it bad that I'm late at being early? Welp, sorry for not posting earlier, this chapter was longer than I thought it would be, so I pretty much had to cut it in half. Another (excuse) is how busy my week was, I had to play in a concert with JaydenFranco, and I had to get ready for vacation. But anyway, it seems that SOMEONE correctly guessed who "???" is and SOMEONE pretty much confirmed it. Congrats to you. Yes.
Anywayyyyy here comes this doozy of a chapter.


You woke up to the sound of the door slowly creaking open, causing a ray of artificial light to seep into the dark room. You immediately tensed, although you hadn't the slightest idea why. You slowly turned and looked at the door to see crimson, blood-red eyes staring at you, which made you begin to tremble at their demonic presence.

They tilted their head and gave a genuine smile, as they flicked on the lights. "Howdy! I'm Chara! I heard that you fell down here yesterday and I came to see how your doing!"

Now that the lights were on you could fully see them. You stared at them, soaking up every detail possible. They were pale and had glowing red eyes. They were about your height, and had brown hair that looked almost the color of chocolate. As for their clothing...

"Ah, it seems you have decided to borrow some of my old clothes! They are fucking badass amirite?" They began to chuckle a bit as they winked at you. From the sound of their voice, you assumed they were a girl, although it should have been obvious before. You smiled and nodded at Chara. She seemed nice, and you really wanted to be her friend.

She walked in and immediately began to walk around the room. She began looking throughout droors and under the bed, but sighed and sat down, holding her knees to her chest.

"What's up, Chara?" You asked the saddened child as you crawled towards the edge of the comfy bed.

"Flower-boy hid my chocolate again and I can't find it anywhere!" Chara began to pout as she layed back on the floor. You couldn't help but laugh at her behavior. Chara looked at you and began to laugh as well. Soon you both were in pain from laughing for so long, and as hard as you did.

"I don't even understand what was so funny about that!" Chara said between laughs.

"Me either." You said, as you wiped away the tears that formed while laughing.

Chara stood up and began to walk towards the door. She turned around and smiled at you. "Hey, let me show you around. There are a few people I want to introduce you to."

You hopped off the bed you were sleeping in, and followed Chara out the room. As soon as you walked out, you heard footsteps running towards you. You turned to see a goat boy around your height running towards you at full speed.

"Watchhhhh outtttt, Chara! I'mmmm going to use my special attack onnnnn youuuuu!" He yelled, dragging out some of the words. You took a step back into your room and watched as the boy tackled Chara to the ground with an "oomph."

"Nooooo Asriel! How could youuuu" Chara said while on the ground with a weak face. "T-Take my soul... S-save the u-underground"

The goat boy, or Asriel got up and held Chara in his arms. "No! Chara! Don't leave me!" He stared at Chara as she began to act limp. He gasped and went into his back pocket, pulling out none other than (RECTANGLES! XD) a bar of chocolate. "Chara please don't go! I'll give you your chocolate back!"

Forever Blue ~A Sansxreader Sequel to The Verte-bae~Where stories live. Discover now