Chapter 9

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You woke up feeling something soft and warm on your lap. You sat up and rubbed your eyes as you yawned softly. You looked at your lap and was greeted with a sleeping cat. You smiled and began to pet it's soft fur. The cat began to purr softly.

"(Y/n)!" Asriel exclaimed, as he burst threw the door. The cat on your lap jumped and fell on the floor. "O-oh sorry Mistral I didn't mean to scare you like that." Asriel rubbed the back of his head.

Mistral stood up, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah. It's fine." You stared at him in complete shock and he looked at you confused. "Oh yeah. Um. When I said part cat, I meant I can literally morph into one whenever I want." He said nonchalantly and directed his attention to Asriel. "So what's so important that you have to go screaming this fine lady's name, this early?" Mistral winked at you and your face grew red.

"Well actually," Asriel began, "it's 10 in the morning a-and," he paused for a minute and then spoke a little louder than a whisper. "and I n-need to talk to her." He pointed at you and blushed a little bit. "A-alone please?" He added.

Mistral sat down beside you and gave Asriel a stern look, implying that he didn't want to leave the room, but after about a half hour of silence, he finally gave up and left.

Asriel sat down beside you and began to play with his hands. You both sat in silence once again until he finally found the courage to speak. "So. Um. I was hoping that... uh." He began to stare at the wall beside him and it worried you a bit.

"Hoping that what?" You asked, tilting you head a bit.

"I was hoping that you... you could... um..." He sighed and looked at you with a determined expression. He took a deep breath and began again. "I was hoping that you could help me get with Chara!" He said, no longer studdering. "You know. Like ask her to be mine I guess?" He sort of questioned.

You were about to agree to help, but you were interrupted by the opening of the door and a loud thud. You looked over to see a girl lying face first onto the floor. You began to laugh frantically when you realized it was Chara and she was listening to you both the whole time like the nosey little stalker she is.

Asriel's face went red and Chara got up and stared at him. She then walked towards the goat child beside you and gave him a death stare. "Flower boy, I swear sometimes I can't stand you!" She screamed, which you stopped laughing. You began to back up into the corner of the bed, since the yelling made you feel... uncomfortable.

Asriel's eyes began to water a bit and Chara's angered face began to calm. "N-no wait. It's okay." She said as she hugged him.

She began to rub his back and whispered something into his ear. You were unable to hear it, but the fact that a few seconds later there lips were literally touching, and locked together made you feel that it was good.

You stood up and walked out towards the hallway and began to close the door. "Ill leave you two lovebirds alone." You were just about to fully shut it before you remembered something. You opened the door slightly and said "Remember: Protection first, Pleasure second." Before shutting the door. You heard countless things being thrown at the door and you couldn't help but laugh at it.

You walked through the house and stumbled upon a note that read, "My children please do not worry. I have just gone out to see if anyone else has fallen. I shall be home soon. Love, Toriel."

You smiled at the note and began to walk around to see more of the house.
You noticed a stairway that lead down into some unknown place. You looked down into it and couldn't help, but feel curious about where it might lead. So like any normal child, you decided to investigate.

You began to walk down the stairs and noticed that it lead to a long hallway. It was difficult to see, since it was almost pitch black. You began to walk down the hall and felt as if you weren't alone. It was a terrifying feeling, but you kept on going until you reached a large door.

Forever Blue ~A Sansxreader Sequel to The Verte-bae~Where stories live. Discover now