Chapter 13

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"Nix! What are you doing here?" Mistral yelled, waking you from your sleep.

You heard a soft voice reply, making your eyes widen. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to be with you!" You could hear Nix sniffle and looking over you could see the small in tears.

"Look Nix,' Mistral began which made the small childs crys soften. 'I understand, but I don't want you to be here. You could get hurt, and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you!" Mistral kneeled down and wiped the tears away from Nix.

"B-but I love you. Please don't leave me." Nix said softly, tears falling hard once again.

Mistral smiled. "I love you too buddy. You're like the brother I never had, or at least I don't think I have one." The neko slowly hugged the sobbing child, and Nix smiled softly, holding him tighter. "Looks like I'm just gonna have to keep you with me then." Mistral sighed.

They both left the embrace and Nix began to wipe away his tears. He began to walk around, bumping into things occasionally, until he stumbled upon you.

"Aha! I knew I heard you!" He exclaimed victoriously, making you giggle. Nix sat down beside you.

"So you're like a superhero aren't ya?" You said booping his nose.

He tilted his head and gave a questioning look. "Why do you say that?"

"Well," you stood up and ran to the furthest end of the room. "You can find me even though you are blind! You have like super human hearing!"

Nix giggled and stood, running in your direction, but bumped into a bench, letting out a 'oomph' as he fell backwards. You were about to go help him when he stood up and ran over to you, hugging your leg. "Gotcha!" He exlclaimed, making you giggle once again.

Mistral stared at you both, giving a somewhat jealous look, but you couldn't quite understand why.

With Nix still on your leg you trudged over to Mistral. He smiled, but you knew it was fake.

You stared him right in the eyes and pouted. "Spill."

"What?" He replied.

"You know what I mean. What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing." He looked up at the cave ceiling and sighed. "It's weird."

"What's weird?" Mistral looked at you and chuckled a bit.

"Even though this isn't the most free place. I've never felt this much freedom and thats all thanks to you." He smiled and the gems illuminated the area. It was quiet a beautiful sight. You could stare at it for hours.

You began to get lost in your thoughts about the beautiful scenery, and didn't notice the awkward staring contest that you started. Only the feeling of something soft against your lips made you finally snap back into reality.

Your eyes widened in shock, making you fall back off the bench. Nix was no longer on your leg, and you assumed that he had left while you were dozing off. Your theory was proven correct after you noticed the child sitting in the corner of the room. He looked a bit uneasy, but that was the last thing you wanted to think about at this moment.

Mistral helped you up and began to apologize in a panicked way. "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I didn't me- I- um. Look- I. Ugh! I'm so stupid!"

You laughed a bit. "Oh no no no. It's okay. Wow I didn't expect to get kissed, and by you? Wow. If I to- okay Imma shut it." You both stared at each other before you both broke in a fit of laughter.

"Okay okay. Um. I've got an, um, important question." Mistral said sheepishly. You nodded and he let out a deep breath. "Um, heh, uh." You looked at him, your (E/c) eyes sparkling from the dim lights of the waterfalls.

Mistral gulped and tried again. "Okay uh. (Y/n)?" You smiled, letting him know that he could go on. "WILLYOUGOOUTWITHMEPLEASE!" He screamed, mushing his words together due to his fast pace.

You took a minute to realize what he said, and once it sunk in your eyes widened, tears threatening to spill. Hugging him, you muttered out a soft yes, in which made him lift you up, and spin you in circles.

You hadn't felt loved in ages.

Maybe this was the start of something new.

???'s POV (you know this person. I just like the suspense.)

Peeking at the two, I felt my heart shatter. "They are a thing now?" I mumbled to myself as a few tears ran down my face.

"But I love them." I wanted to scream. To just kill them both, but I couldn't dare hurt my love.

"They are just like everyone else." They all lie. They all leave. Why can't they just stay?

"I thought they felt the same." I wanted to run, but they would notice me. Besides once that bitch is gone.

My love will be M I N E !

A/n: I'M SO SO SO SORRY GUYS! I apologize for my lack of updates! I've been busy, and I've forgotten ideas, and writters block. Ugh it was horrible, but I got around to finishing this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.

Don't diss kitty. Kitty may be good. Give him a chance!




Thats right.


Till next time!


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