Chapter 14

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"Who am I?"


"You already know this."


"We've know each other for quite some time."


"You don't remember me?"


"What a shame."


"If only you knew."


"What am I doing?"




"Stalling for what you ask?"


"Well, I cant tell you that."


"What can I tell you?"


"Someone's waiting."


"They are calling for you."


"So please."

"I beg you."

"Wake up."

You sat up panting. You couldn't remember when you fell asleep, and you didn't feel right.

You looked around the dark room you were in, your vision still a bit blurry. It was dark, but illuminated by a soft glowing light.

Once your vision cleared you realized that the light was a flower. It seemed familiar. You sighed, listening to the sound of the echo that the cave emmited after, except it wasn't just the cave that mocked you, it was the blue, glowing flower beside you as well.

You stared at it in shock, before you realized what it was. 'An echo flower. How could I forget that?'  You thought as you stroked the soft petals.

It was quite stunning as a matter of fact. A talking flower. You've never seen one before and, even if it wasn't really talking, it made you feel less lonely, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you have seen one before, and that you weren't alone. Weird, you seem to remember having this feeling before.

You layed back down on the bench and closed your eyes, trying to listen to anything else, other than the beat of your own heart.

You then heard the sound of water flowing. It was calming. It made you tired. You like sleep. Maybe just a nap would be okay.




No. You can't sleep! The voice didn't want you to sleep! They wanted you to wake up! Someone was waiting for you and you had to wait for them, but who could it possibly be?

You stood up and began pacing around the room, trying your best to ignore the millions of questions running through your mind, but to no avail.

"Who am I?"

"..." 'Nobody.

"What am I here for?"

"..." 'Nothing.'

"Who is waiting?"

"..." 'Who cares?'

"Where am I?"

"You should know this." A soft voice answered. You began to look around, trying your hardest to find the owner of the voice.

"Um hello," you asked alloud, hoping someone would respond. "Who are you?"

No answer.

"Please! If your there, can you show yourself? I'm scared, and alone and I don't know what I'm doing!" You begged the mysterious voice.

"I'm sorry," the voice whispered. "I just want you back!" The voice began to sob.

"But who are you? P-please don't cry!" You heard soft mumbles and soon you could no longer hear their cries.


No response.

You felt alone once again, and your thoughts began to pile up, making your head ache and throb. Curling up on the damp floor, you sobbed softly.

"I'm sorry. Come back."

'No one cares.'


A/n: Hello. Kinda a short chapter, but it got me tearing up a bit.

Only cuz I know things that you don't.

It's awesome being an author, mostly cuz I can say things like this to get you pumped cuz this chapter is meaningful.

By the way, if you don't know, or remember, 'words'  is your thoughts.

Also, I made this cover, but it wasn't anything special, so yeah...


I wonder who spoke to you...

I can promise its not the person who is going all Yandere and hating my ship.

They probably hate the ship too tho. XD


Someones waiting for you...

~Writer-chan, the Magnificent!

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