Chapter 22

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A/n: Guyysss Im so sorry I havent been updating! Its been a month!!! Ugh I really hate myself for that but NOW I HAVE TO UPDATE! SPREAD SOME CHRISTMAS CHEER N HOLIDAY STUFF.


Also that picture is the second part of my little drawing. Everyone loves this so I thought Id share it here too!



Mistral's POV

It's been a few weeks since (Y/n) ran off. I'm happy she did though. She wasnt the one for me, it was Nix. He was always there for me through it all, and all I did was take him for granted.

Well not anymore.

Today we decided to finally go back home with the Dreemurr's, since they were the ones who pretty much saved our lives. We both really hope they don't hold a grudge against us.

"Come on Missy!~" Nix called as he began to skip through Hotlands.

I sighed. "I told you not to call me that. Its a sucky nickname!" He turned and smirked at me and I face palmed. "Don't. You. Dare."

"Do you want me to call you Daddy then?" Nix said as he blinked. My face went bright red as I told him to shut his face hole. He thought it was funny.

I held his hand as we began to walk silently through the core, trying to advoid fighting as many monsters as possible. Neither of us wanted to hurt them, and it seemed they felt the same.

After a while we stumbled upon an elevator, as we steped in we began to look at each other, a bit afraid and anxious of what was to come.

When we heard the elevator bell we ran as fast as we could to the castle, but I stopped suddenly as I saw several familiar faces.

Nix hugged my arm tightly. "Mistral? It that her?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's (Y/n)."

Normal POV

You turned around to see Mistral and Nix, making your blood run cold. You thought Undyne got to em, but you guessed they were okay. You were confused, until u realized something very odd.

"GALE?" You yelled staring at Mistral, or actually Gale.

He tilted his head in confusion. "No I'm Mistral. Who the hell is Gale?"

You shook your head. "Nevermind, just forget it." You turned your attention back to Sans in disbelief. "Look Sans, I can't lose you. You have to stay here. You have way more to live for!"

Sans shook his head. "No! Without you I can't even imagine living! Dont leave me!" He cried holding onto you tightly.

Mistral, or Gale, groaned and pulled you both apart. "Look I don't know, or care about what is happening, but yall need to grow up." He smiled. "You guys should be like me! I get along with both humans and monsters and not just because I am both!"

You stared at him in shock, realizing exactly what he was. "GALE! I mean. MISTRAL YOU CAN ESCAPE THE UNDERGROUND!"

He stared at you confused. "What?"

"You have the soul of both a human AND a monster! You can leave the underground and free us all!" You shook him by the shoulders and smiled.

You began to shove him towards the barrier, not caring that several monsters and human children were staring at you in shock. You pushed him through it and he immediately fell.

"OW! (Y/n) why in underground would you do that?!" Mistral said rubbing the back of his head. You smiled and Sans ran up behind you.

Sans jaw almost fell off his face as he stared at the cat boy. "Oh my holy Asgore it worked."

A/n (again): kinda a short chapter so sorry. If someone comments the name of my new fav fandom (ya gotta guess), then I will dedicate the next chapter to them AND Ill update the day they guess it! Just a little fun thing to do. Im really into 2 fandoms right now, so if you can guess either one that would be acceptable! Anywayyyy


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