Chapter 15

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Mistrals POV

So far, things were going great! (Y/n) was always smiling, Nix was the same energetic child he always was, and I was fairly happy with how this whole, stay in the shadows thing was going.

I was fairly used to hiding in the shadows. I needed to sneak around the lab to survive, but this wasn't exactly the lab.

There were so much more people to be hiding from, it overwhelmed me. Sure, there were a few monsters I was okay with, like Temmie and Shyren, but there were a few I was hoping I wouldn't come across.

Undyne, the terrifying fish lady, who was part of the Royal Guard. I've already had to deal with her once before. The smell of fish lead me to her and of course it wasnt a fish I should eat, so I tried to rob her for a few gold.

Bad idea.

Today marks the 3rd year anniversary of me and (Y/n)'s relationship. She is now about 14. Nix is turning 12 in a few days.

She still gets weird nightmares every now and then. Something about someone calling for her, telling her to wake up. She tries to find them and comes across some light. She walks towards it and the next thing she knows she has blood oozing out of her mouth.

Its pretty creepy to be honest.

Today I'm taking her out to see the waterfalls. I usually don't let her leave, since she is a human and monsters would do anything to get to the surface, but today I will make an exception.

"(Y/n) hurry up!" I yelled into the cave. I seriously don't understand why it takes her so long.

(Y/n) ran out the cave, she was wearing that stupid jacket again.

"Alright I'm ready!" She said, smiling.

"No your not." She gave me a confused look. "You are wearing the jacket again!"

She frowned. "I don't understand why you dont like it! Its cute, and soft, and warm!"

"Yeah, but you've also had it for like years and its old." I sighed and threw a dark cloak over her. "It honestly sucks that I have to hide your pretty face everytime we go out together."

She giggled a bit and I kissed her on the cheek. She held out her hand and I gladly accepted it as we began to walk towards the waterfalls.

"Wait! Mistral!" I turned around to see Nix.

"What's up?" I said, tilting my head.

"Um. Can I come? I just wanted to hang out with you, but if not I guess we can hang out later?" Nix was giving me and (Y/n) puppy eyes and man I wanted to say no so bad, but of course my fine little lady said yes.

Does she ever say no?

Nix ran back into the cave and ran back out in his cloak. We began to walk towards Tem Village when we stumbled upon a Shyren. I waved at the Shyren and she smiled a bit, but she immediately hid from the two strangers.

She began to slowly hum, which got (Y/n)'s attention. (Y/n) began to slowly hum back. The humming went back and forth till it was a full out concert. Even though I didnt like the attention, it was great, and man did (Y/n) sound like an angel. I love her to death.

After the concert, (Y/n) got enough gold to buy something from Tem Village. She loves Tem Village. She has been trying to get enough money to send Tem off to "Cool leg" for weeks, but she hasn't really gotten anywhere.

"Hey (Y/n)." I started the conversation, and she looked over.


"Can I have your gold? I want to buy something." I smiled at her and she sighed. Hesitantly, she handed me the few gold she had obtained and I told her to wait here, while I ran to buy something pretty great.

A/n: So I seem to be apologizing a lot lately. Sorry I havent posted in a while, Ive been stressing over my summer project.

My teacher won't respond to my email XC

Ill try to post a lot once Im finished all my work, but I'm not gonna make any promises.

Anyway, short chapter and a huge timeskip.

What does this mean?




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