Chapter 24 Alternate: No

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You closed your eyes and began to steady your breathing. You felt another presence in the area so you opened your eyes to see none other than Frisk.

Frisk smiled hugging you softly. "Gaster said we have a bit before the reset. Let's just hope this time the world doesn't errupt into flames like last time."

You nodded. "This reset we will do it together Frisk. Me and you. Everyone will have a happy ending!"

Frisk smiled. "Yeah, but we can only do this if you wake up."

You looked at Frisk in shock. "What do you mean! Im already awake! I've... I've been awake for as long as I can remember! Stop!"

Frisk began to fade and you began to tear up. "This isn't funny! I didn't do anything wrong! I didn't! I didn't! Im sorry!"

You began to hear bangs, them becoming louder by the second until you heard glass shatter.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a familiar voice say. "Dont listen to them! You are okay! I am okay! Please just don't listen!"

You heard Frisk's voice once again. "We shall reset the world just you and me! Nothing will go wrong!"

The familiar voice kept screaming not to give up. To stay determined, but Frisk was always there for you. They just wanted to help. How could you refuse!


Yes No <3

"I-I can't. I can't keep living this lie." You mumur as your tears fall from your eyes onto the "No" button.

Frisk walked up to you in tears, "NONONONONO. THIS IS NOT WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN."

The banging from behind you intensified. You felt your body shake with adrenaline. You turn to Frisk with a grin, tears pouring from your face.

Yes No<3

"Chara. We dont have to do this anymore. We don't have to run away from him anymore. He's right there." You say grabbing a hold of them as they begin to thrash in your arms.

"NO. LET GO OF ME. LET GO. DELETE YOURSELF YOU- YOU BITCH. YOU MADE ME KILL HIM. YOU MADE ME DELETE EVERYTHING I EVER LOVED. LET GO." You held onto chara as they let everything go. They cried and cried, letting everything fade into soft sobs and hiccups. "Please just let me go so I can see him again. I just want azzy back."

The banging never ceased. You couldn't stop the thumping of your heart. You know he was fighting to get in. You know how much pain he has been in. You couldn't stop him from trying to get to you, but he couldn't see what you have done. You were the one who forced Chara to become the demon. They don't know what to do in the rain. They don't know how to bring back the sun after what you had done. You held them and sighed. "Let's wake up Chara. Lets go home. Toriel and Frisk are waiting. If we reset now, sure the space time whatecer could literally collapse, but azzy will be there this time. I feel his soul. He isn't gone. Hes strong."

Chara looked up at you as Frisk came slipped into the void. "Chara, you better let them reset before sans somehow breaks into the void and murders someone." Chara chuckled as Frisk held them tightly. "Welcome home. I missed you."

Yes<3  No

"(Y/N)! I AM HERE TO SERVE YOU MY WORLD RENOWNED SPARK-GHETTI!!!" Papyrus screeched as he handed you a plate of pasta with glitter. You knew it was a pain to get the glitter off his scarf whenever he made this, but getting it out of your stomach was a whole other ballgame - and you sucked at sports.

Sans walked over planting a kiss on your cheek as he scarfed down the "spark-ghetti." You mouthed a thank you and he wrapped an arm around you. Prepared to hear an earful from Papyrus about "eating the humans meal."

In the end, Asriel did have the strength to come back this timeline. So did both Frisk and Chara. It was a lucky roll of the dice, as Gaster put it as he scolded you about risking the fate of humanity over such childish things. Nix and Mistral, who you thought never existed due to the fact that the entire timeline didn't even exist to begin with, found each other and fell in love. It was all romantic and shit, as Sans put it. Everything was like an happily ever after story, which felt odd since nothing ever seemed to go your way nowadays. Even the proposal went terribly wrong.

Sans took you to grillby's saying, "We've met at this place at about 4713792 times. Thats a pretty lucky number. I think we just keep meeting here for a reason. Isnt that right my vertebae?"

You laughed as you drank your cola and burger. "You know. Out of all the times we have met up here. I think this one is the WORST."

Sans fake gasps, "Oh no my darling, however could this be?"

You looked him dead in the eye (haha get it cuz hes a skeleton), and whispered, "Because you have not said yes."

He looked at you confused. "What does that even mean. Usually I'd have some pun for you, but you've gotta throw me a bone."

You got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. "Yeah this isnt very conventional, but when have we ever been that?"

Sans' eyes welded up into tears. "Wa-wait I thought. I didn't think you- You. I-"

Thats when it happened. Grillby you ignorant slut you.

Soda spills onto your head as Grillby in all his excitement bends over to take a pic of the scene. You give him a glare and Sans bursts into hysterics. "It seems you got yourself in a sticky situation! You are looking caf-FINE in that getup! I can't believe you POP-ped the question!" He began to laugh more and you couldn't help but laugh too. He eventually said yes as you both embraced trying to hold back your laughter and you have both lived happily since. Everything was perfect and never again will you be forever blue.

A/N: Hahaha! I have finished it completely! I did this for all the people out there who enjoyed my writting even if I was definitely super young and I dont even know how I came up with this anymore! This chapter is dedicated to all of you readers who keep me going. This will be the end of this series, but I hope for your continued support. I gave you what you wanted and I can now put this story to rest for real this time. Thank you all for reading this. Thak you all for enjoying my stories. I hope you all are safe during these times.
~Writer-chan out!

Forever Blue ~A Sansxreader Sequel to The Verte-bae~Where stories live. Discover now