Chapter 19

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"Y-You seem familiar." You said standing up slowly, sniffling because of what happened and also studdering because of the cold.

"I just have one of those faces." The skeleton had his hand out, his other rubbing the back of his head. You stared at the hand towards you and stood up on your own.

"I saw the cushion, but good effort."
The skeleton looked at you dumbfounded and chuckled.

"Hey, you gotta admit that it was clever. I've got a-"

"Skele-ton of other stuff." You both said in unison.The skeleton looked at you, sockets wide.

"S-sorry I couldn't help myself!" You laughed. "I thought you we're familiar!" The skeleton began to sweat nervously, with a soft tint of blue on his cheekbones. "I heard your voice from the echo flowers!"

The skeleton sighed. "Y-yeah. That's me."

You grabbed the hand without a cushion and began to shake it. "I'm (y/n) and I'm a huge fan! Your jokes and puns make my day! I'm happy you were near echo flowers when you said them!"

"O-oh thanks. I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton." Sans said, smiling.

"Oh! Like the font! Aha thats awesome! My boyfriend's name is a font t-" You paused and tears had began to slowly flow down your face. You totally forgot about the events that had just taken place before and you felt your heart drop.

"I-I'm sorry." You said as you ran off into the snow filled land, ignoring the calls from behind. "I'm sorry Mistral. I'm sorry Nix." You said as you ran. "I'm sorry everyone. Im sorry. Im so so-"

You we cut off as you slipped on a patch of ice, smashing you head on the cold hard ice below you.

The snow was dyed red, and your vision was black. All that you could hear before you blacked out was your name being called loudly and footsteps that grew closer and closer.

Sans POV

'Oh shit! Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!' I thought as I ran to (Y/n)'s limp body. She was pale and blood covered the snow around her.

I sat her up and tried my hardest to use my magic to heal her. I'm not the best healer, I didn't think I needed it, but man was I wrong.

I concentrated hard on the gash on her head, thinking of the bones and flesh mending themselves back together, but I failed at healing her. I panicked a bit and closed my eyes tightly, opening them to find myself at home on the couch with (Y/n) in my arms.

"SANS IS THAT YOU?" Papyrus said running into the room with a "fresh" plate of sparkghetti, only to drop it on the floor when he saw (Y/n).

"Sans... she's back?" Papyrus said with florescent tears in his eyesockets.

I picked stood up and handed Paps her limp body. She was breathing softly and I was scared that she would slip away from me again.

"P-Pap! Use your magic to heal her! Please!" I pleaded and I collapsed to the ground in tears. I hate showing this side to my brother, but I just couldn't take it. I couldn't think of a life without (Y/n).

Papyrus stared at (Y/n), then at me and nodded. He sat down on the couch and put his hands above the gash, closing his eyes. An orange glow flowed around his hands and into the gash, and I listened to the shattered bones as they fused back together. Her flesh began to mend themselves back together and soon there wasn't even a scar.

Papyrus put his hand back down at his sides, and opened his eyes, sighing as he stared at (Y/n). He looked up at me and smiled.

"She is gonna be okay."

A/n: Sorry for not updating as fast as I wanted to. A lot ended up coming up.

But Ive got some newssss!


His name is... get this...


He is so cute and I love him.

Alsooo art above by me. Im probably gonna have random art stuff for the title pictures for a bit.

Anyway. Cya next chapter!!!


Forever Blue ~A Sansxreader Sequel to The Verte-bae~Where stories live. Discover now