Chapter 21

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Sans POV

I obviously couldn't take it. My love still didnt remember me, and they probably never will. I teleported home when she wasn't looking.

When I teleported to my room, I saw Papyrus sitting on my bed. He looked up at my tear stained skull with a soft smile and sighed. "Sans I have something to tell y-"

"Get out." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

He of course asked, "what?" and stood up, walking over to me.

"Papyrus GET OUT!" I screamed, my eye turned blue as it did when I got real mad.

Papyrus hugged me.

In this timeline, I didn't give an effort into hiding my powers from him. I didnt really put much effort into anything this timeline. At first he didn't take it seriously. He would constantly ask me to pick up my sock, since I could do it in a few seconds. He would ask me to carry him places, teleport him places, he wanted me to teach him.

It took him a while to realize how much my power effected me. I was always tired, and I would constantly get sick, but I couldn't say no to Pap. I loved him too much.

He finally stopped the day I snapped. Literally. My skull began to crack violently, leaving me sleeping for days once he rushed to heal me. He never asked me to use my magic again.

"Sans I won't leave you like this." Papyrus said, probably holding back tears. "You don't understand why (Y/n) is like this. She smashed her head falling down here Sans."

I hugged him tighter, not saying a word. I wanted him to keep going. I didnt understand what he was trying to say.

"Sans she remembered you. She should still remember you. When I healed her I realized exaxtly that! When she hit her head again and heard your voice, it triggered something inside her." Papyrus left the hug and smiled at me.

"She remembered you. She is just too scared to face us anymore."

Normal POV

You had a choice. You could go back to Papyrus and Sans, and live a normal life here underground, or you could free your entire family, risking your own life in the process.

You turned and looked at the waterfalls and nodded. "Ill leave in a minute." You whispered to yourself, running back towards the Skelebros house.

You knocked on the door softly before opening the unlocked door. "Hey guys? Im h- back. Im back." You tried your best not to screw up now. You wished this place would still be your home, but how can you be a part of a family, if all you did was burden them?

You didn't get a response, which was obviously going to happen so you once again left a note. Running into the kitchen you grabbed the quiche that would most likely be left under the bench in a few days and began to leave when you saw Sans with the letter in his hand. He didnt read it, you could tell.

He looked up at you and tears began to spill. "Why?"

"Why what?" You said, trying not to just break into tears and hug him.

"Why did you lie? Why are you leaving again?" Sans walked closer to you, in which you moved back.

"I don't b-belong here Sans." You studdered. "Im gonna help you. Even if I dont know you."


You stared at him in shock. "Sans I love you. Thats exactly why I have to do this. Alone. I can't risk losing you, and if I die, I won't reset. I will be happy just being able to set you free."

Sans wiped away his tears. "I won't let you go. Not again." He walked over to you, making you back up into a wall.

"S-Sans?" You studdered as he grabbed your wrist.

"Your not going alone." He said as he teleported both of you somewhere that seemed so familiar, but it didnt at the same time.

"(Y/n). We will both do it." Sans said looking into your eyes. "Lets save the underground together."

You heard soft footsteps and you noticed Asriel and Chara watering a pile of flowers.

Chara looked up and smiled. "Greetings!"

Asriel jumped at the sudden hello and looked at you. "Omg! Howdy!"

You realized in that moment exactly where you were.

"Welcome to the castle!"

A/n: Whoa look at me! Updating after like forever. Sorry bout the slow updates, but thank you guys for all your wonderfull comments n such! They make my day. Seriously.

That drawing was also drawn by meee!
Its a 2 part drawing, soo you will see the second part NEXT CHAPTER!!


I dont have much to say sooo. Yeah



Forever Blue ~A Sansxreader Sequel to The Verte-bae~Where stories live. Discover now