Chapter 10

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I don't know why I'm so happy.

Anyway the thought of making a one-shot book is literally almost gone. Yeah I wanna write it, but I don't want to write it if none of you want it.

Like I could spend that time writing this book. One that you guys enjoy, or at least I hope you do. So if you don't want it, there is no point in me making it.

Anyway. Sorry for wasting your time with that.



You woke up on the floor of Toriel's living room. The fireplace was barely still aflame, but the burning wood still made a soothing poping noise.You looked around, rubbing your sleepy eyes so that you could fully awake.

From the kitchen you could hear a passing conversation. Both of the voices you recognized. They were Chara and Mistral, so of course you snuck over to listen closer.

"Look I dont know what the hell you're talking about!" Mistral said in a pissed tone.

"I don't trust you. If smiley trashbag doesn't, then I don't either." Chara replied.

"Who is smiley Trashbag!" Mistral said, raising his voice.

You flinched and began to walk backwards. You tripped over your own feet and fell back against the floor with a thud. Both Chara and Mistral stopped talking and ran over to see the source of the noise and once Mistral saw you he immediately ran over to help you up.

"You oka-" Mistral began, but was cut off when Chara grabbed your arm and dragged you away. "Hey!" Mistral yelled angrily.

Chara scoffed, and began leading you down the stairs to the giant door. She dialed a number and the person on the other side picked up.

"Hey." Chara said softly. "I'm going to go home for a bit. Is that okay?"

She paused and you could hear the person on the other side. Sadly, you could not hear who it was, or their reply.

Chara smiled. "Thanks. Love you. Bye." She hung up the phone, which made a click noise and pushed open the giant door.

"Uh. Chara? Where are we going?" You asked, a bit worried.

She turns to look at you and smiles softly. She then pulls a scarf out of her pocket and wraps it around your neck. The scarf was (f/c) and man, it was extremely soft. It made you feel warm.

"We're going somewhere cold." She said as she began to walk out the door. You reluctantly followed, unaware that someone also was following you.

As you walked through the giant door, a big gust of freezing wind blew against your face, sending chills up your spine. You snuggled into your scarf to keep warm and looked up to see the snowy terrain. The ground was covered by a foot or two of snow. The trees were covered as well and it was one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen.

You snapped out of your thoughts and you and Chara began to walk through the snow filled landscape. Every now and then you would try to catch snowflakes on your tongue, but the thought of how it was possible for it to snow underground always made you a bit worried about the taste of the snow. Luckily it didn't taste weird so you didn't think about it.

After a long walk, full of falling on ice and snowdecahedrons you arrived at a small town. Chara then explained that this was Snowdin town.

You chuckled at the pun.

After a little more walking Chara walked up to the door of a house and knocked slightly on the door. The door flew open and a skeleton that was a bit shorter than you ran out and tackled you. You instantly panicked, and your first instinct was to scream.

Chara giggled and the skeleton spoke. "NYEH HEH HEH! I, THE GWEAT PAPYRUS, HAS CHAPTURED A HOOMAN!" He, or "Papyrus" hugged you tightly and another skeleton ran out as well.

"Pap! What are you doing? Your sick get back inside!" The skeleton said a bit angrily. Though you knew he was only protecting the small-ish skele. "Maybe next time, you won't go and listen to undyne when she says tha layin' covered in snow for an hour will help you be part of the Royal Guard!"

"BUT BWOTHERRRRR! I CHAPTUREDED A H-H-HO- ACHOO!" Papyrus sneezed and sighed in defeat. He got up and walked inside.

You still laid in the snow, too cold and panicked to move. The other skeleton walked over and pulled you out of the snow. Muttering apologies.

The skeleton looked at you and his eyes widened. He almost dropped you, but snapped out of it. At this point you were shivering and couldn't even speak a word. The skeleton picked you up bridal style and walked into his house, placing you on a couch inside his extremely warm living room.

You looked at him and smiled, but you were still too frozen to speak. However, as if he read your mind he spoke.

"The name's Sans, Sans the Skeleton." He looked as if he wanted to say more, but however he did not.

Your eyes began to feel heavy and you could no longer stay awake. You passed out on his couch.

Sans smiled, and pushed your hair back behind your face. Your soft breathing made him feel happy. He went to kiss your cheek, but knowing that you still did not know who he was he backed off. Frowning, looked over at Chara.

"Alright... here we go."

A/n: So little mini Papy and Sansy. Cuz I can. Yes.

Thats not a good excuse, but SH. XD

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