Unbelievable Experiences

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I awoke in a mental hospital with a nurse next to me.
I spit out venom in confusion trying to see. "Yzteedorya Rukkza." The nurse smiles at me. I jump in fear trying to hiss and tries to see. "That's not Vi... Where am I..." I thought loudly. Violet's voice whispers in your mind suddenly. "I'm no liar." I shudder nervously shaking my head. I try and rub my eyes weakly. But finally starts to see a little in confusion trying to touch my shirt feeling like I can't remember what I was even wearing. I stare at the blurry room. "Why can't I speak... What did you do to me?! Where the hell..." I thought and tries to jump up and run in fear with blurry vision. "Y myokaz coez ez guiyi quanklu rynk fulkn. Binklezan zzu ta Twasklyaniak Xunji Zunanka"
"(I know that you are confused right now. Welcome to the Transylvania Mental Institution.)" The nurse says. I burst into tears shaking my head and try to scream. I try to get up and leave. I can't I'm tied down with strong straps. "Lina, vynyae." The nurse says. I began to cry. "The only thing I heard of was timetables and medication and doctors.... Why can't I run... Oh god please tell me I'm dreaming..." I think to myself and tries to scream sobbing.
"Ez guiyi dasq huani ez lopna xizein za fujin diyano. Ta xunytz
crulkin ez dasq."
"(You are here because you have killed and wasted prey. The princess brought you here.)" "... No... I'm not crazy I don't need anyone or this or.... Oh god oh god what happens here.... No doctors or anything please no I don't have any problems I'm healthy....." I think to myself. "IT WAS THEM!!!" I thought loudly and tries to hurt myself struggling in tears. "Wait I'm here cuz I'm a wild vampire?... Heh I think I can be okay with this." I think to myself and smirks in relief. "Not because I'm insane or have a condition?!" I think to myself loudly. The nurse frowns. "H'ez n yztee pyqan ez'yi dasq." "(It's a good thing you're here)" "Lina, ez lopna n vinma alski." "(No, you have an awful condition)" The nurse says.
"Argh I should've killed myself damn it and I'm fine I'm fine why the f is she frowning. But oh great what the fuck is next let me guess ash was right and I was wrong and it's not anxiety... Please someone fuckin kill me!!! Vi This is the worst fuckin thing you've ever done to me!!!!!" I thought to myself and tries to get out fighting against it. "I'M NOT SEEING ANYONE OR ANY FUCKIN SCHEDULE OR ANYTHING FUCK YOUR HELP!!!! I WANNA DIE!!! LET ME GO!!!" I thought loudly.
"Ez sqynb lopna zzu inkanya dasq."
"(You will have to stay here.)" The nurse says.
"FUCK THAT!!! FUCK HELP!!! LET ME GO!!! I'M SUPPOSED TI DIE!!! THIS IS ALL VI's AND ASH'S!!!! I'M FINE REALLY!!!" I thought loudly and cried heavily.
"Ez sqynb wakyria zzu n Weklanjah tana rya's qasui kooor."
"(You will speak with a psychiatrist three days every week.)" The nurse said.
I cried. "I bet you're teaming up with ash... WHY DID YOU TWO DO THIS TO ME?!? AS FUCKING IF!!!!
"Ez sqynb ezzik oank dasq."
"(You will be safe here)" the nurse says.
It turns out vi was lying about the needles being permanent. Soon they wear off and I can speak again.
"SAFE?!? NOWHERE IS SAFE!!! LET ME DIE DIE!!!!! THEYRE GOING TO KILL ME EVEN VI!!!! FUCK!!!" I thought loudly and tried to scream at the top of my lungs.
"Vamkyre jykzo?" "(Vamkyre okay?)"
"Eklyinak?" "(English?)" The nurse asks.
I don't answer crying.
"Let me die." I try to whisper.
"Lina." The nurse says.
"You heard me?!" I whisper.
"Hina." The nurse says.
"English please miss sometimes but... I'm going to kill her when I get out of here!!! she's a fuckin LIAR!!!!" I whisper.
"Who? Sorry.. not sure if or when you will get out." She says.
"The bloodsucker who dragged me here!!!! I'll kill myself after that!!! But... So I'm just going to rot away?..." I hiss. "I just sit here forever without even timetables or meds or what do you guys do after people talk to doctors...?" I whispered.
"Well, we let out when we think you heal or better." She says.
"I swear to god this place was made by Ash and Vi!" I whispered and groaned.
"No, but they fund it. Speaking of, you have visitor." She says.
I sigh nervously as ash suddenly walks in. I stare nervously."
"Um can I have a few minutes alone with her, I guess miss?" I whispered faintly. The nurse leaves nodding.
"Hello." I whispered very faintly.
"W-what are you doing h-h-here?" I stuttered. "Visiting." Ash answers. I look at her in confusion. "You're going to be here awhile." She says.

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