Going With Them

64 8 2

18th April 2016
Sara's POV:
I woke up the next morning embraced in Nate's arms, wow what a night. If it wasn't for Charlotte coming back we'd probably still be going now. It's fun to think about, I moved slightly but I couldn't move far for Nate bear hugging me, "morning" he mumbled in my ear, he had the sexiest morning voice. "Morning" I moaned, stretching a little. "Did you enjoy last night?" he said as he kissed my neck, "I did" I smiled as I rolled over and wrapped my arms around his neck, "good" he smiled as he kissed my lips.

When we got out of bed we where questioned by Charlotte, she already knew something had happened, why do you think Nate was in the same bed as me? After breakfast, I was packing my things to go home and Nate was helping me, "I'm gonna miss you" he...

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When we got out of bed we where questioned by Charlotte, she already knew something had happened, why do you think Nate was in the same bed as me? After breakfast, I was packing my things to go home and Nate was helping me, "I'm gonna miss you" he said resting his head on my shoulder and kissing my neck, "I'm gonna miss you too" I smiled running my hand through his hair, "we're renting out one of the apartments in your building" he informed me, "George said you were considering it" I nodded at him, "he seems to tell you everything, what's the deal with you two?" he looked at me curiously, taking his head from my shoulder, "we're friends" I shrugged, "does he know that?" Nate furrowed his brow at me, "why does everyone say that? Of course he knows we're friends" I chuckled giving a slight shrug, "I bet he's told you a lot about me as well?" he gave me a questioning look, I stayed quiet. "I thought so, he's not wrong. But I'm not going to do that to you, I care about you. Plus, you wouldn't stand for that shit" he said smiling at me and pecking my lips.

When everyone had packed, we all met in the loby. "Guys Samantha has something to tell you all" Connor announced, "what is it?" Beth asked, "well, yesterday. Connor being a sneaky shit. Walked in on me singing" she said with a massive smile on her face. Oh shit. "And now I'm going with them to perform in Brussels and Paris. It's just one song but I'm super excited. I also won't be coming back with you guys" she smiled excitedly. "What!?" the I yelled in shock, "congratulations we're happy for you" Charlotte said smiling supportive, "speak for yourselves. I've been working hard to get an opportunity like that and you're just getting it handed to you because one famous person thinks you're good and plus your voice is nothing on mine-" "Sara! She doesn't mean that" Charlotte cut me off, "no, if I didn't mean it I wouldn't say it!" I snapped grabbing my things and walking out, and I headed straight for the train station. When I arrived the train was just pulling into the station, and I heard a voice calling me. I tried to ignore it, "Sara wait" George grabbed my shoulder, "what?" I sighed, "please stay and catch the later train like the other girls" he begged, "and stay around that sly little bitch, I don't think so" I cursed, "please Sara it would mean so much to me" he pleaded, I stared into his blue eyes. The train blew it's whistle, and I turned and looked at it, "sorry George I have to go I'll see you soon" I rushed out and I hugged him before quickly boarding the train, I wasn't staying and I felt so bad on George.

George's POV:
I watched as the train pulled away, I missed her already. I can't believe she didn't stay, Samantha's news must have hit her hard and I understand why. Sara has been singing all her life and she's told me of her dreams to tour the world and for an opportunity like this to be handed to Samantha on a plate must be frustrating, I guess it's all about being in the right place at the right time.

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