Sara's Tour

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10th June 2016

George's POV:

"I don't want anyone telling me Sara's set list or what's going on at her tour I wanna be surprised" I told everyone, Sara's tour started today and everyone was excited to find stuff out about her music but not me I wanted it to be a complete surprise. "I think we should all wait for the tour date we're going to, to find out everything like stay away from Sara's twitter and keep it a secret" Charlotte suggested to us all, "that is a pretty good idea" Blake agreed, "yeah, it is. Charlotte's right lets not hear about the tour until we're actually there" Amy nodded. We all agreed to try and not hear anything about what was going on with Sara's tour. Sounded like a task.

"Anyway, where's Nate?" Beth asked looking at Drew, "No idea, he told us he was going away for a bit never told us anything we just agreed and he left, not seen him since yesterday morning" Drew told her, but informing the rest of us, "weird, probably missing Sara" Beth shrugged, "he does miss her" Levi told us, "what's the deal with those two anyway?" Charlotte asked, somehow I couldn't help be insanely curious about this I don't know why it bothered me so much, I had Lucy and she was my world. "No one knows. Every time we ask him he says they're just friends fooling around. We thinks that he does actually really like her but she's been told things and heard things about his fuck boy ways and she doesn't want to date him" Austin told us, I felt slightly guilty about that as it was me who had said all those thing but aside from being jealous it was the truth, Nate has fucked countless girls around and why should he treat Sara any different, I was just looking out for her.

Lucy <3

Hey sweetie I can't wait to see you just letting you know that I've chose my outfit for the concert gotta make a good impression for Sara xxxxx

You'll look beautiful Lucy even she can't compare to you xxxxx

I couldn't help but smile. However, in the back of my mind I felt slightly crushed, I didn't know what it was I chose to ignore it.

23rd June 2016

Sara's POV:

I was getting ready to play my last show in London, then I'd be back home. My single had been so successful, me and Samantha had been neck and neck but I was still ahead of her and that made me feel amazing. I was so excited to perform and that I was getting to see all my friends afterwards and I need to give them all a serious apology for my behaviour before I up and left to LA.

"10 minutes until show time" my manager smiled at me, "I'm nervous" I sighed, "you'll do amazing, see you soon" Nate said before hugging me. My support act was my old chum James Graham from what was once Stereo Kicks, we had put all out history behind us and he's actually lovely and his voice is golden. He was to sing 4 songs before it was my turn to perform.

"They're ready for you" James said coming off stage, the screaming of fans followed him as he came off, "thanks James" I smiled at him, "to the last show" he nodded, "to the last show" I said before we hugged. I was ready with my first outfit, as my first song on my set list was a song I wrote for one of the burlesque lounges in LA, there was a whole dance routine and backing dancers for the song as well. I had seen the burlesque dancers of LA perform my song and it was a great experience to see something I had wrote be performed by my idols. The song was called Express, not going to lie probably the best song I've wrote and is the extra song on my deluxe album. "It's time" my manager smiled, for this song my mic was on my outfit instead of having to hold one.

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