Levi's Woman

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3rd July 2016

Levi's POV:

I was out doing a bit of shopping at the mall, or 'shop' as I've got used to being over here in England. I was in the candy isle and I was looking over the Reese's pieces for Nate, when in the corner of my eye I spotted the waitress from Sara's party with her friend. I wonder what she's doing down here. I decided I'd go and say hello.

"Hi" I said getting her attention, "Hello" she looked at me slightly confused, "Morgan right? my friend was flirting with you at Sara Harper's album ball not to long ago" I chuckled, "oh yeah, I remember you. Levi right?" she smiled at me, "yeah that's me" I nodded, "so, what are you doing here then?" I shrugged awkwardly, "I actually live just around the corner, I was only working there for that night because I was volunteering" she informed me, "oh awesome, I wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Sara. I'd probably be back in America" I nodded, "I thought I recognized your accent, I love American accents" her friend piped up, "awh thanks" I smiled at her, "Levi, this is Tia Allan, she's my best friend" Morgan introduced me, "hey" I smiled at her and she waved, "well it was good to see you" I smiled at them both, "yeah you too" Morgan nodded as I walked away with my basket of stuff.

I was looking at the different sodas when I heard someone calling my name, I turned my head both ways before I saw Tia walking up to me, "hey Levi can I ask you something?" she asked me smiling, "anything" I nodded, "can I get your number? It's just you're really cute. I know it's weird me asking you" she chuckled, "not at all, I think it's nice when the girl makes the first move" I laughed. I then put my number in her phone and she smiled at me, "Thanks, I'll call you" she smiled at me before turning and walking away, I couldn't help but stare.

Tia's POV:

"So did you get his number?" Morgan asked me smiling, "obviously, he couldn't resist" I chuckled, "I'm not going to lie, it's kinda wrong what you're doing" Morgan shrugged, "what?" I questioned, "you're using him" she said looking guilty, "hey, I have waited long enough to just meet Drew Dirksen. I deserve what he has to give me" I giggled, "you're using Levi to get to Drew, why can't you just get with Levi, he's cute" she shrugged, "because I want Drew and his beautiful everything" I said folding my arms, "I think he already has a girlfriend, at the party he was singing to a girl named Beth" she told me, "well, soon he'll be singing to me" I laughed.

Levi's POV:

That evening I received many texts from Tia. We really hit it off, she seems great. In that one evening we learned so much about each other and even arranged a date. I was finally making progress with a girl that I got on with, I usually was to weird for most girls. I'd talk to them and then say something stupid and they'd leave me hanging. I wasn't gonna change for no one though.

Oooh cheekyyy she's going after Drewww xx

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Love Sara xx



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