Blind to the Bitch

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10th July 2016


Nate suddenly stopped talking and looked inside, we both watched as Levi jumped up and began to storm towards the door with Tia crying behind him. That bitch has turned this on me.

Sara's POV:

I rolled my eyes as Levi stormed out, "why would you say something like that? Why did you have to say something so horrible?" Levi said angrily, "say what" I shrugged, "call her ugly, say I could do better-" "actually, I never said you could do better. But now I think of it, you can" I chuckled, "you think this is funny! Why do you have to be so horrible to her? Is it because she comes from outside your friendship group? Seriously Sara what is your problem with her she's a perfectly nice girl-" "does a perfectly nice girl flirt with your best friend?" I raised my voice gesturing to Drew, who was now also stood outside with the rest of the girls and Austin. "w-what do you mean?" he said shaking his head. "Ever since she set foot near Drew she has done nothing but flirt with him. How are you so blind to the bitch-" don't call her that. Are you jealous is that what this is? Are you jealous that she has me and you don't?" Levi shrugged, I stood speechless a moment, "where the hell did that come from? I don't like you like that. You know that, she's made you so blind and you've only been dating like what? A week, at most" I shrugged in frustration, "I haven't made him blind you've just twisted him, he doesn't see how nasty you are" Tia stepped forward, "I can't believe you're calling her nasty when you're using Levi to get to Drew. Eugh, I'm going I can't stand her" Beth spoke out before storming off, Drew went to run after her but Amy made him stay and she went after her. "See Levi I'm not the only one who see's that she's using you. Think about that-" "Think about what? The fact Beth gets touchy every time any girl even looks at Drew and you, you hate everyone. How can I trust a word any of you say?" he shrugged, "because you've known me and Beth a hell of a lot longer than this slut-" "Slut! Don't go calling her a slut when, on the night of your ball, you made out with Blake then shagged me and in the morning Nate came in feeling guilty and you couldn't give less of a shit" everyone gasped at what he said, the truth was coming out now and Nate looked unbelievably hurt, which made me feel awful. "Really, so you're pulling out stuff like that. Fine, how about when you first met us girls. You told me that you were jealous that Drew and Beth got on so well because in actual fact you liked Beth-" What is everyone's thing with Beth, she's not even pretty" Tia said in disgust, "actually Tia, she's gorgeous and I love every bone in that girls body, now if you'll excuse me. I'm going to see if she's alright" Drew spoke up finally, before pushing past Levi and giving him and Tia the dirtiest look. "Are you seriously trying to break the band up?" Levi growled, "yeah course, being a massive Tide fan I'd love it if the band broke up" I said sarcastically, "you're impossible" Levi rolled his eyes, "no Levi, I'm trying to be your friend, trying to look out for you but unfortunately you're to dumb and besotted with this whore to see that and I hope for your sake you realize that before you get your heart broken" I said angrily before turning and walking away.

As I walked away Nate followed behind me, "is that true? All the stuff Levi said. Did you really sleep with him?" Nate asked sounding heart broken, I felt tears falling down my face. I tried wiping them away before turning around. Nate saw I was crying, "I'm sorry, but I saw you flirting with that waitress. I don't know what I was doing" I said sobbing, "Sara, I know we said we're just friends but... I really, really care about you. You're the best person I know and finding out about the stuff you did that night has really hurt me" he said shaking his head, "Nate, I'm sorry" I sobbed, "don't. I need time to think" he said before walking off, I watched him leave as I cried my heart out in the middle of the McDonald's car park, I sat on the curb and cried until my throat hurt. I shouldn't be the one crying. I was looking out for my friend. Why am I the one in the wrong?

Much tears xx

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Love Sara xx 

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