First Introduction

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10th July 2016

Drew's POV:

"Hey you don't mind if I bring Tia over today?" Levi asked me as he looked at his phone, "you're gonna finally introduce us?" I chuckled at him, "yeah" he nodded smiling, "well we're all going out today so bring her along" I suggested, "who's all?" Levi questioned, "me, Beth, Austin, Amy, Nate and Sara and y'no, you and Tia if you want" I shrugged, "yeah I'll bring her along" he nodded making up his mind, "well we're going soon so we'll meet you two if you want" I suggested, "sure, just text me where you'll be and we'll meet you" he nodded looking down at his phone and smirking.

Whilst we where all out Nate kept whispering in Sara's ear and they'd both chuckle, "it's rude to whisper" Amy smiled at them, "yeah you two, get a room" Austin giggled, "we don't need a room" Sara smirked at Nate before she kissed him, "seriously, are you two dating? you never let go of each other" Amy said pushing some hair behind her ear, "we're just friends" Sara smiled, "well as far as I'm concerned friends don't chew on each others necks" Amy said raising her brow to Sara and Nate, "that's because you're boring" Sara smirked at Amy, Amy just rolled her eyes as Austin rested his head on her shoulder. "Hey Levi and Tia are here, Beth, Sara. Be nice" I chuckled looking at the both of them, "us. We're lovely" Beth smiled at me.

"Hey guys, this is Tia. Tia this is Beth, Sara, Amy, Nate, Austin and-" "Drew, I know. I've watched your videos" she said smiling at Levi briefly then turning her attention to me, "it's nice to meet you Drew" she said holding out her hand which I shook.

 I've watched your videos" she said smiling at Levi briefly then turning her attention to me, "it's nice to meet you Drew" she said holding out her hand which I shook

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Amy's POV:

I watched Beth get more tense as Tia slyly flirted with Drew. Being girls me, Beth and Sara saw quite clearly that Tia was flirting with Drew. Me, Sara and Beth stood beside each other, "I'm going to cut her" Sara muttered to me and Beth, "get in line" Beth growled, "how do they not see that she's flirting with him?" I whispered to them, "they're boys, they're stupid" Beth grumbled, "if she doesn't back off soon I'm going to say something" Sara said folding her arms, "no, Levi might think you're trying to ruin things before they've even begun" Beth sighed, "I won't say anything whilst Levi's there" Sara shrugged, "yeah, Sara will put her in her place if she's ever going to be something with Levi" I reassured Beth, "I'll put her in her fucking place, little bitch" Beth grumbled to herself, I didn't blame her at all, she was all over Drew and none of the boys could see that.

 Me, Sara and Beth stood beside each other, "I'm going to cut her" Sara muttered to me and Beth, "get in line" Beth growled, "how do they not see that she's flirting with him?" I whispered to them, "they're boys, they're stupid" Beth grumbled, "if...

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Sara's POV:

Beth hadn't stopped glaring at Tia since the moment she looked at Drew, she hadn't backed off of him ever since she set eyes on him, she had one hand on Levi's lap but was all up in Drew junk. Metaphorically speaking. There was no way this girl was here for Levi. Not a chance and I was sick of seeing Beth grinding her teeth watching her. When she finally got up to go to the bathroom in McDonald's, I shuffled in my seat before standing up, Amy gave me a sharp look, as if to say 'be careful'. I then walked into the bathroom and stood looking in the mirror until she came out, "oh, Sara right?" she smiled at me, "yeah, hey can I talk to you about something?" I questioned looking at her in the mirror, "sure" she said slightly confused, "you're dating Levi right?" I nodded, "yeah" she nodded, looking slightly afraid. You should be afraid bitch. "Then why... if you don't mind me asking. Are you all up in Drew's business, so to speak?" I came out with that quite bluntly, she looked speechless. "Excuse me" she said looking shocked, "come on, it's so obvious. You're all over him" I laughed, "and what's that to do with you?" she said folding her arms, "oh I don't know, the small matter of. You're supposed to be dating Levi!" I felt like slapping her, but I restrained myself. "We just got together and it's not like Drew's dating anyone" she shrugged, "one, that shouldn't matter he's Levi's best friend and two. How do you know that he's not dating anyone" I shrugged standing up straighter, "well he's not is he, or are him and that Beth actuallt dating" she smirked, "they're not dating but-" "but what, a guy like Drew wont wait for a girl like Beth. No matter what the situation. He should be with someone who is his type" she smiled, "Beth is one of my best friends and Drew is perfect for her and what do you mean by not his type?" I shrugged, "y'no, gorgeous, sexy" she shrugged, "not everyone can date me though" I nodded smiling, "I didn't mean you" she spat, "then I most certainly don't think you mean you because dayum gurl you ugly as fuuckkk" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder, she gasped in disgust. "If I'm the ugly one then why am I dating Levi and you're stuck with Nate" I felt my anger grow immensely by the second, "Nate is a beautiful person inside and out and why are you dating Levi? Because you got lucky, Levi is so naïve to how much of a bitch you are but it's not going to last long just you watch" I said turning around, "you think he'll listen to you, who are you to him?" she hissed, "more than you ever could be" I said looking at her up and down in disgust before walking out. 

"Sara where are you going?" Nate called after me, I just ignored him and stormed off. I didn't mean to be so nasty and ignore him but I was just so angry, she just insulted my best friends. Nate chased me outside and grabbed a hold of me, "Sara what's wrong?" Nate said with worry, "Levi's little slut just completely slayed you and Beth" I said angrily, "how so?" he shrugged, "I asked why she was all over Drew-" "she's not" Nate shook his head, I turned and pointed to Tia who sat down and was once again all over Drew, it took him a minute before he noticed and it sunk in. "Oooo, so what did she say about me and Beth?" he questioned, "she said Beth was out of Drew's league-" "well that's lies-" "will you let me finish" I smiled at him, "and she said to me that 'if she was the ugly one why was she dating Levi and I was stuck with you-" "that bitch" Nate's head snapped to look at her, "what did you say to that?" Nate asked curiously, "I said you were beautiful on the inside and outside" I smiled at him, "you're too cute" he smiled kissing me, "can you try and get Levi to see that she's a bitch?" I pleaded, "I don't know, I'll try, I'll tell Austin what you've said and I'll-" Nate suddenly stopped talking and looked inside, we both watched as Levi jumped up and began to storm towards the door with Tia crying behind him. That bitch has turned this on me.

 That bitch has turned this on me

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Shit is about to happen...

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Love Sara xx 

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