2. Mausoleums and Heartbreaks

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After fifth period, Bandit seemed more distant before. I was so confused because she had been so friendly before. I really liked her. I realized that when she held my hand. My small hand fit perfectly in to her slender fingers, and the electricity was hard to ignore, not that I wanted to. I was confused about my sexuality until that point. It was obvious now that I like girls. I had never had a crush on o boy, but I was definitely falling for the beautiful, raven-haired girl. 

But she wasn’t the same as before when we met up in English. The light behind those magnificent, complex hazel eyes was gone, and she didn’t talk much. Hadn’t she called me pretty before? Didn’t that mean that she at least kind of liked me? I hoped so. 

“What’s wrong?” I whispered to the Senior girl. I was glad that I was in all of the advanced classes. Otherwise, I would’ve been with my sister, Lily, and her and her friends would’ve made my public school life a living hell. I guess that’s what I get for being home schooled. I get to graduated two year early, and I chose to go to public school for the last year of school. I was glad I chose to do that because if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met Bandit.

“Nothing,” she mumbled, looking at the desk with a sad glint to her eyes. I reached out and grabbed her hand that was dangling off by the side of her chair. I slid my fingers in between hers, and I saw a smile play on her lips. Then it disappeared and she pulled her hand away from mine. Didn’t she want to hold my hand? Was she embarrassed of me? I’m so stupid. Why would she want to be with an emo freak like me?

The bell rang, making me jump. Bandit stood up and shoved her notebook frustrated into her bag and hovered over my desk.

“What?” I ask, confused. She was tapping her foot impatiently.

“Hurry up,” she said, a smile splitting across her face. “We need to get to the cemetery!” A smile split across my face as well. I forgot about the drawing lessons, and I would be alone with Bandit. I jumped up and swung my bag over my shoulder before grabbing Bandit’s hand and yanking her out of the door. I heard her giggle as I dragged her down the hall and out of the double doors at the front of the school, not bothering with our lockers. 

I knew exactly where the cemetery was. My dad took me and Lily there with our uncle Mikey to visit our grandparents and Mikey’s grandma Elena. Mikey wasn’t really my uncle, but it felt like he was. His brother and his brother’s wife had moved to California when I was two because his daughter was kidnapped. They never found her, and Jersey reminded them too much about it. 

We made it to the entrance of the cemetery and we were both out of breath. I leaned against Bandit and let my head fall back to rest against her shoulder. I felt her tense up, so I moved. I offered her a smile, and she returned it, but I could tell it was fake. I only knew her for five hours and I already knew the difference between her real smiles and fake ones.

“Come on,” she says quietly and walks though the metal gates. I follow her to an old mausoleum. The letters on it are weathered down and I can only make out parts of the name. I make out ‘AN’ and ‘IW’. It kind of made me sad. Whoever’s family this was, probably would never even remember this monument to them. It’s just forgotten. I wonder how many other people in this place are forgotten.

“Cherry?” The worry in Bandits voice brings me back to the stone steps and her worried eyes.


“I said your name like three times and you were just staring at the letters. Are you okay?” I shrug. Understanding dawns on her face. “It’s scary isn’t it?” she asks. I look at her in confusion. “One day, we’re gonna end up in here, and eventually, we’ll just be forgotten. The letters on our tombstones will fade, and no one will know who we are.” Her eyes are locked on the field of cement chunks, and the pain behind her eyes is prominent. 

I scoot over to where she is  sitting on the stone stairs and wrap my arms around the slender girl. She tenses up at first, but after a few moments, she relaxes. I look up at her, to find that her face is just inches from mine. 

I could feel her warm breath on my face. It smelled of coffee and mint gum. It was intoxicating, and before I knew what I was doing, I crashed my lips to hers. She kissed me back with passion. I felt her hand snake its way up to my cheek, and I moved my hands so that they were tangled in her charcoal ahir. 

It ended all to quickly when she tensed up and pushed away. A look of excitement was replace with confusion, and she stood up.

“I-I’m sorry,” she said quickly before bolting off towards the gate, leaving me equally as confused on the mausoleum steps with her backpack and sketchbook. I was too confused to cry.

Did I mess something up? Why did she apologize? Did she not like kissing me? Did she not feel the same way? It was obvious to me that I really liked her, but did she not like me back? If she didn’t like me then why did she kiss me back?

I let out a frustrated sigh and stood up. I pulled Bandits bag over my shoulder and started walking to the gates, but I made a quick visit to Elena’s grave. My dad’s old band had made a song for her, I remembered. I looked down at the stone slab, and then I remembered. 

Uncle Gee’s kid had a tombstone too because the cops said that she was probably dead. My eyes shifted to the grave next to Elena’s, and I swear my jaw dropped to the floor. 

                     ‘BANDIT LEE WAY


       “We’ll never forget our little angel.”’

~Okay, so i dont know if anyone even cares for this story. I dont know if I'm gonna continue posting or not. I would love some feedback from you if you are reading it. Tell me if it's good or if it totally sucks and i should throw myself off of a cliff for even starting to write it.

Until Next Time, Shriek

Bandit Lee and Cherry Iero (My Chemical Romance Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now