17. Will You Marry Me?

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This was what was going through my mind as we neared the seventh song in our set. That was the song that I had written for Cherry, who happened to be standing off to the side of the stage, watching us happily. She got to come on tour with us because she was legally an adult now, and school was over for her. 

So why am I panicking so hard right now? Because there was a little silver ring with diamonds embeded into it, burning a fucking hole in my back pocket. I don't know why I was freaking out so much. I knew she would say yes. We had even discussed mariage before, but niether of us has actually popped the question yet. 

Maybe I was panicking because I was going to do it infront of an entire venue of people in the middle of an acoustic song. God, I hope I don't fuck this up. I always get jittery when I'm nervous, and I always mess up my words. Fuck. Maybe I shouldn't do this. I should just tell the guys that the plan is off, and I'll ask her later when we're alone. 

Shit. I have to do this now, don't I?

As if on cue to my thoughts, the lights dimmed and a single spotlight shown down onto me. Yup, too late to back out. 

"Alright guys," I say into my mic. "We're gonna slow things down a bit for you. We're gonna play a song that I wrote for my girlfriend, and uhm... she's actually here tonight," I say pointing to the side of the stage. "Matt, could you bring her out here?" 

Part one of my plan has been executed. Bring a confused Cherry Iero onto the stage. I smiled at her as she walked out and a second spotlight shown down on her. She looked like an angel. She was so beautiful. She walked over to me and stood a few feet away as the song started up. 

She watched me the entire time I was singing, waiting for an explanation. It wasn't until I got to the bridge that the music quieted, and she looked totally baffled. 

"Before we carry on," I say to the audience. "I have a very important question that I have to ask Cherry, if that's alright with you guys." As an answer, a cheer errupted throughout the building. I grinned, finding that my nerves had dissipated since the song began.

I turned to my beautiflu girlfriend and took her with my free hand, holding the mic in the other. I got down on one knee and looked up to see that she was grinning so wide that I thought her face was going to get stuck like that. I knew she would figure it out eventually. Apparently, the crowd figured it out as well because as soon as I kneeled down, another, louder cheer errupted. 

"Cherry," I say into the mic, grinning up at her. "I have never been so in love with someone in my entire life, and you would think that, after being together for years, the spark would fade and we would grow bored of eachother. But it hasn't. Every time I see you, everytime you laugh, everytime you smile, everytime you accidentally do something and you get all embarrassed about it, I get those same butterflies in my stomach that I did when I first saw you. You mean the world to me, and I never want to spend a day without knowing that you are mine to keep." I take a deep breath and pull the ring from my back pocket, holding it up for her to see. "Will you marry me, Cherry Iero?" 

I held the microphone up to her, but before she could answer, the crowd began chanting. SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES! was coming from every mouth in the audience. I couldn't help but smile.

Cherry laughed and took the mic from my hand, speaking into it.

"Well I guess I don't really get a choice, do I?" I laughed at her and nodded. Then she seemed to contemplate something in her head for a minute or two before finally nodding. "Okay, yes. I will marry you." 

I grinned even wider and slid the ring onto her finger. I stood up and kissed her. It was a short, but sweet kiss, and it sent the crowd into a chorus of screaming teenagers. When we pulled apart, she walked back off stage, and we finished the set.


OH MY GOD, I haven't updated this in forever, and I'm sorry about that. Please, for the love of pancakes, forgive me. 

Anyway, the end of this chapter was a little wonky, but there was nowhere for me to end it that would have been any better. Also, it's short again. Kinda like Cherry. 

Anyway, I'll try to update again sometime soon. The next chapter is a wedding chapter, so prepare yourself for that... Then there it only a few more until it's over. 

Until next time, Shriek.

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