12. The Tour Life

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Bandit's POV

I woke up to see Cherry grinning at me. Well, at least she was grinning in the picture of her I had taped to the wall of my bunk. I sighed and rolled over. I missed her too much to face her right now.

You see, after the big ordeal of Cherry thinking that I was going to leave her, I stayed and my parents respected my decision. At least my dad did. My mom took a little more convincing but eventually she realized that I was just as stubborn as she is and she gave up.

After I graduated, my dad managed to get me signed to Warner Brothers even though I didn't want it. He threatened to have all of my files on my computer erased while I was sleeping if I didn't let him do it, and I couldn't risk all of my best songs just because I wanted to do something on my own.

So, apparently the label loved us and they put us on tour with All Time Low and another band called Satin's Offspring, some hardcore band from California.

We've been on the road for two months and we had two more weeks to go.

"Bandit! You gotta come see this! Jake's gonna kill Susie!" I chuckled to myself and jumped out of the top bunk, landing surprisingly well on the floor and rushing off the bus where Owen was yelling from. I couldn't miss this.

Susie and Jake have been having a prank war against each other the entire tour and most of the pranks ended in someone coated in some sort of gross substance. I couldn't wait to see what it was this time.

I got outside and stood next to Owen, the lead singer of Satin's Offspring. All the members of the opening bands were standing in a line watching Jake chase Susie in circles.

Surprisingly, nobody was covered in anything. But, half of Jake's hair and beard were shaved off as well as one of his eyebrows. He was pretty much bald on the entire right side of his head.

"YOU'RE DEAD SUSIE Q!!!" Susie just laughed and took off down the middle of the parking lot. Jake growled and took off after her.

"He must've been really truly shit-faced to not wake up to that," I comment. Owen nods in agreement.

"He'll get her back tonight. Alex and Jack are throwing a huge party after the show tonight. We're all getting shit-faced."

I laugh and nod. "my dad would kill me if he knew I was even thinking about alcohol. He's totally straight-edge"

"I think your dad can pretty much do whatever the hell he wants. He's like a legend." I shove his arm gently with my fist.

"Speak for yourself. Your dad still is the lead singer of the biggest metal band in the world, and your named after possibly the greatest drummer in the history of ever. That's kind of amazing."

He laughed and punched me back. we always got into arguments about who's dad was more famous, and normally it ended with us both complaining about what they do.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out to see that Cherry was calling me. I sighed and pressed 'answer' after telling Owen that I had to take the call.

"Alright, but remember, you guys are on in half an hour," he shouted after me.

I mentally cursed myself for waking up so late before Cherry's sweet voice came over the line.


Okay, so this ones a little short. Size doesn't matter right? It's how the story is written? Though that's pretty crappy too.

Good news through! I think this story has about nine or ten chapters left!

Also!! Whoever can tell me what famous person Owen's dad is gets imaginary internet turtles from me, or maybe a dedication or something in my next chapter. I don't know, I'll figure it out when it happens.

Anyway's I'll try to update again next weekend, but I MAKE NO PROMISES!!

Until next time, Shriek

Bandit Lee and Cherry Iero (My Chemical Romance Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now