Bandit Lee and Cherry Iero (My Chemical Romance Fan-Fic)

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Hey, so I've been working on this fic for a while now, and i fugured that i might as well upload it before i think worse of myself and decide to hide it away in my computer forever, never to be seen by anyone again.

it is a girl x girl story about Gerard and Frank's daughters in the future if they were to meet eachother and fall in love. I felt a little wierd writing it, but whatever. 

Comment if you want me to continue it and i will.

Until next time, Shriek...

Bandits POV.

“Aww, look at the little emo is crying. Maybe you should go running back to your dad and his emo friends!” I manage to get past the school bullies because they are distracted by some other poor child. I didn’t want them to see me, but something made me turn back and get a closer look. I could barely make out a hunched figure with bright turquoise hair through the crowd of people. 

It was a girl. She looked to be about two years younger than me and a whole lot shorter. I had never seen her before so she must be one of the new girls that I heard about. They were twins or something… I don’t remember, I was to focused on my sketchbook when I overheard someones conversation about it. 

I decided to stop it. She didn’t deserve this.

“Hey! Stop messing with her!” I shouted. Everyone turned to me and I immediately regretted my decision. I didn’t even have time to think about running before the toughest girl in school, Becca Wilson, had my shirt collar in her hand.

“Aww,” she mocked. “Is the school’s fag trying to stand up for her emo girlfriend?” I growled and kicked out at her. Who was she to judge me on my sexuality? I got her in the shin, but it did little to no damage and only made her angrier.

“I don’t even know her!” I growled. “But she doesn’t deserve to be made fun of by a shitty person like you!” Becca’s face grew red with anger and I whimpered. The next thing I knew, I was being slammed into the metal door of the lockers.

“Listen you bitchy emo fag! If you ever try and stop me again, I will end you.” And with that, She ripped the locker open, thrust me into it and slammed the door shut, locking me inside. My head hit the back of the locker, and I reached up with the little room I had to rub my sore spot.

Everything got quiet outside  since the bell had rung, and everyone had gone to class. And then I heard the lock on the locker open. The door swung open and I jumped out, ready to hug whoever it was that didn’t make me wait four hours in that tiny space until the janitor heard me again.

My arms wrapped around a small figure and when I pulled away, I was met with dazzling hazel eyes, much like my own. Then I saw the blue hair and recognized the new girl. There was runny eyeliner smeared across her wet cheeks, and she still looked like she was crying a little.

“Are you okay?” I asked softly. The beautiful girl nodded a little.

“Why did you do that?” Her voice was small, but melodic. That was it. I had a crush on the new girl.

“What? Distracting Becca?” she nodded. “Because I know what its like, and I didn’t was=nt someone as pretty as you to go through that,” Her eyes grew a little and I realized what I said and blushed hard.

“Thank you,” she said smiling.

“No problem. May I ask your name?” she nodded.

“Cherry Iero.” I stifled a giggle and she frowned. “What?” she asked annoyed.

“You have a funny name.” I saw her tear up again and my face fell a little. I grabbed her shoulder and gave a comforting smile,

“It’s okay, I mean, My name is Bandit so…” This time  it was her turn to giggle. I smiled down at her. “You’re the new girl right?” she nods. “What class do you have right now?” She pulled out her schedule and handed it to me. It turned out that we had most of the same classes. She must’ve been pretty smart to be in twelfth grade English, Physics, and Calculus. I hated all of those classes. My favorites were Art and Music. I excelled at those. The only class we didn’t have together was fifth period. She had Gym and I had a free period.

“You have Art with me,” I say excitedly. “Come on, I’ll show you where it is.” She nodded and I was surprised when she let me take her hand and drag her down the hallway to Mr. Woolman’s class. I couldn’t help but have butterflies in my stomach when I felt little shockwaves travel through my hands and arms when our palms touched. I looked back to see a small smile playing on her lips as well. 

I let go when we got to the art room, but the feeling was still there. I pulled Cherry to the back corner where I normally sat and we both sat down. Mr. Woolman glared at us.

“Miss Leeway,” his voice boomed. “You’re late” I ducked my head a little.

“Sorry Mr. Woolman, but I was trying to show the new girl around.” I say, gesturing to Cherry.

“Of course, Miss Iero.” he says looking at his clipboard. “I had your sister last period.” I looked at her questioningly. She had a sister? She shrugged and our teacher went back to his desk. I pulled out my sketchbook. She pulled out a new looking sketchbook and a pencil. She glanced over at the drawings in mine and blushed. I giggled.

“What?” I asked.

“Your drawings are so good. I’m terrible at art.” She blushed even more. “I just took this class because it seemed easy.” she admitted. I shrugged.

“I can teach you if you want after school,” I say. “We can go to the cemetery.” I loved the cemetery. I don’t know why, but it was so relaxing to me. Her face lit up and she nodded. 

The class flew by, along with the rest of the day. During fifth period, I decided to walk to the cemetery. It was only a ten minute walk there, so it gave me half an hour before I needed to walk back. I made my way to the gravestone that had intrigued me so much the first time I came here. It was like I was drawn to it by some unseen force.

It was just an average headstone, and carved into it was the name ‘ELENA WAY’. I don’t know why I was so interested in this person, but I was. Maybe I’m related to her. That would be weird. 

I took a moment  to say my hello to this mysterious Elena woman, before making my way to the mausoleums. I leaned against the old structure’s door and pulled out my sketchbook. 

I mindlessly began sketching, and the lines began to take the shape of a girl. About halfway through the sketch, I realized that I was drawing Cherry. Then it hit me. I was falling for the Sophomore girl. 

Then I remembered Liz. I had fallen for that girl so hard. And when you fall, you hit the ground. I hit the ground hard, and  I was still recovering. Tears sprang to my eyes as I remembered the girl who had ripped out my heart and torn it to shreds and left me to clean up the mess. 

I couldn’t go through that again. I had to keep my distance from Cherry. I would take her here after school for drawing lessons and no more. I refused to let my heart go again. If she broke it, I wouldn’t be able to survive.

I had to ignore the shocks, and the glint of light that shined in her eyes when she smiled. I had to ignore that she was shorter than me, and was the perfect size for hugging. Her head probably fit perfectly in the crook of my neck, but it never would be there. I had to ignore my love.

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