4. Nerves and Deadly Dates

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I walked into Calculus, pleading and dreading that Cherry would be here with my things. I looked around to see that she wasn’t here yet and I sat down at a desk in the back of the class room. We would be getting a seating chart today if Mr. Romito stayed true to his word.

I saw a familiar blue head of hair walk through the door and my heartbeat sped up. I was so embarrassed of yesterday. Why did I kiss her? I had promised myself that I wouldn’t let myself fall for her, and yet I did. She probably hates me because I just left. I ran away. I’m such a wimp. I always run from things.

“Hey B,” her soft voice and hazel eyes were too much for me to ignore. “I brought your things.” I didn’t have to fake a smile for her. 

“Thanks Cherry,” say, gratefully pulling out my sketchbook and setting it out on my desk. I have to say, I was a little hurt that she was acting like yesterday never happened, but maybe it was for the best. At least she didn’t hate me.

Class started and we were given a seating chart. Me and Cherry were sat next to each other, a terrible mistake on Mr. R’s part because we didn’t get anything done. We talked like normal and doodled on our notes. It was nice to not be alone, and to not be alone with such a beautiful person made it even better.

At lunch, my nerves came flooding back when we were sitting under the bleachers out by the field eating in silence, when she asked the one question that I had been dreading.

“Bandit?” I looked up into those big hazel eyes.

“Yeah?” I swallowed at her worried expression.

“What happened yesterday? Why did you run?” I let out a shaky breath and decided that the only way to make it better was with the truth. Hopefully she wouldn’t laugh at me.

“I-I, um, I ran be-because, I, um, IpromisedmyselfIwouldntfallinlovewithyou,” the last part came out rushed and she scrunched her face up in confusion. It was quite adorable.

“What?” I sighed and said it at a more human rate.

“I promised myself that I wouldn’t fall for you.” Her expression softened. And I looked at the ground, dreading her response.

“Why?” I looked up at her. What? She wasn’t freaking out? “Why cant you fall for me?” I sighed again and my eyes teared up at just the thought of Liz and what she did to me.

“B? Are you okay?” I just nodded, glaring at the ground. “Just tell me okay?” I nodded again, refusing to look at Cherry because I knew that her soft expression would crack me and I would break down.

“From seventh to tenth grade, I had a girlfriend, Liz, and she, um, she lead me on for four years, and I had believed that we would be together forever, I truly believed that she loved me, but, one day I walked in on her making out with this guy. I found out later that she was never into girls, and she was just using me to make guys want her. She never really loved me. She never even tried to apologize.” By this point, the tears were spilling over. “I just don’t want to get attached to someone again. And I’m getting attached to you. I don’t want to break again.”

“Bandit,” cherry’s voice was low, and I looked up at her. There were tears in her eyes as well, and she quickly wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into her so that I was crying into her shoulder. I let her, it felt right to be held by her like this.

“I’m so sorry C,” I manage. Her hands are gently rubbing circles on my back and it’s comforting.

“Bandit, I would never hurt you,” she said, and I believed her.

Bandit Lee and Cherry Iero (My Chemical Romance Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now